She has to be able to handle the fact that I’m probably a better cook than her.
She has to be willing to live in Big Bear.
If she ever offers me a smoothie with kale in it, run away.
No guilt trips!
She can’t be wealthier than I am.
She has to like animals.
No lies or secrets between us. Transparency is key.
She can’t have a mental illness she’s unwilling to work toward improving.
She can’t be a gossip.
Freaking out when things go wrong is okay, but she must be willing to talk about it. No running away.
When I do something wrong, she needs to be willing to forgive me and not hang it over my head.
My eyes tumbled over each line, and before I knew it, I’d read the whole thing. I immediately began to interrogate myself. Did I have an annoying laugh? At least being blond was crossed out. Was I confident enough? Did I fish for compliments?
Was this OCD a mental illness? I’d been to therapy for it. Was that enough?
The rest merged into a lump that dropped from my throat into my stomach.
William wouldn’t send this, would he? I didn’t believe that. This had to be his sister’s doing. Courtney had messaged me a photograph of Logan’s stupid list. I’d promised myself that it didn’t matter what was on there, but each item had been seared into my brain. My mind was already working out how unqualified I was to be Logan’s wife.
A knock sounded, and I jumped.
“Everything okay?” Logan asked.
I squeaked a reply, tossed my phone face down on the counter, and attacked my teeth.
Logan was leaving in a few minutes. I was not going to let Courtney’s jealousy ruin our farewell.
Not today.
Chapter 26
A hotel worker arrived with my wallet. I thanked him, and after he left, I put on socks and shoes and shoved the rest of my stuff into my suitcase.
I’d expected Victoria to be quick, but when I found myself staring down at the couch recalling the evening before, I decided she’d had long enough. I moved to the door and knocked. “Everything okay?”
Her voice sounded higher than normal. “Fine. Be out in a second.”
My eyes landed on our breakfast dishes, and I smiled. She’d set everything out just like I would have. I’d wanted to serve her, but she’d beat me to it. Who was I to argue with her getting there first?
Then my mind drifted to Courtney and her accusation of Victoria being a little off.
Who cared if she was cleaning the bathrooms in the hotel? Everyone had something that bugged them, and maybe hers was spots on a mirror.
Although, she hadn’t bothered with any of that the first two days I’d been here. It had started after what I now referred to as the balcony scene in our lives.
It could be nerves. I understood. When I’d woken up with her passed out on my chest the night before, my mind had started down a dangerous path. What if I wasn’t good enough for her? What if she got bored of me? What if she didn’t like that I ran a restaurant? What if she continued to hate Sky? What if she didn’t actually love me?