“Just the country stuff. Bollywood is new, but we might be adopting it.”

She pursed her lips as if she were about to scold me, but Greta interrupted her. “Why isn’t Keith out there?”

“Because he was teaching us, remember?” I said.

“Right.” Greta’s expression fell.

The music escalated, and Courtney leaned closer to me. “Did you ask Logan about his list?”

This again. I pressed my lips together and took a steadying breath before I turned to look at Courtney. “No.”

“You need to.”

“Why?” I pushed Logan’s drink onto the middle of his napkin.

“Because it might affect things going forward.”

The only thing it was affecting was my stress level. “Save it, Courtney. I don’t know why you’re doing this, but stop.”

I could tell the song was winding down, which meant we were up next. I shifted to the edge of my seat and got ready to stand.

Courtney’s hand darted out and grabbed my wrist. “Listen to me.”

My eyes snapped to hers, and I glared. She was skinny; I could probably take her in a fight.

“Ask him,” she said quickly.

I pulled my arm away from her and stood just as the entire audience did the same because the men had just finished.

Courtney kept talking. “You need to see it before you commit to anything with Logan.”

What I needed was for this woman to leave me alone. I took a step into her space. She had an inch or two on me, but I had more mass. Plus, I was hopping mad. “Look, Courtney, I don’t know what this is about, but you walked away from Logan ten years ago. You have no right to talk about him.”

Her brown eyes flashed. “The list is the reason I walked away.”

Had I considered asking Logan about this mysterious list the night before? Sure. However, if he went back far enough in my life, he’d find several lists of things I wanted in a man. They included tall, dark, handsome, rich, funny, nice smile, great body, good cook, put the toilet seat down, and straight teeth. It didn’t mean that my tastes hadn’t changed, or that I hadn’t grown up a little. Even if he’d had some sort of qualifications when he’d been dating Courtney, they were probably totally different now.

I wasn’t going to hold him accountable for what he’d been thinking ten years ago.

Courtney opened her mouth to speak, but I held up a hand. “You had your chance, Courtney. You blew it, which I’m frankly grateful for.” I smiled. “That’s right, thanks for dumping Logan so I could meet him. You’ve done me a huge favor.”

Courtney’s eyebrows fell and a dark expression settled on her face. “You’re making a mistake.” She reached out and moved Logan’s glass until it was halfway on and halfway off the napkin.

Was nothing out of bounds for this woman? I put the glass back, then held out a hand for Greta. “Shall we?”

Greta, who had been watching the two of us as if she were witnessing the best tennis match ever, grunted and let me help her to her feet.

I had one more thing to say to Courtney. “I’d appreciate it if you danced on the other side of the room.”

Courtney’s nostrils flared, and it looked like she wanted to say something else, but instead, she turned and walked away.

Greta let out a low whistle. “Good thing you’re not marrying into this family. You just made an enemy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, she and Logan happened a decade ago. She needs to get over it.”

“You’re not wrong,” Greta said.

Logan, who had William in tow, passed us on his way back to the table, and he stopped long enough to give me another kiss on the cheek. “How did I do?”