I frowned when I saw all of the water spots on the mirror. My fingers twitched, and before I knew what I was doing, I’d grabbed several paper towels and started to wipe.
Just the mirror in front of one sink. Just so I could see.
I finished, tossed the used paper in the ornate trash can, and went to wash my hands.
Before I got there, streaks on the mirror above the other sink caught my attention.
It was like feeling one eyelash catching on another or a stray hair brushing my nose. I couldn’t let it go. So I snatched up another towel and started wiping.
Just these. The rest of the place was on its own.
Or so I thought, until I noticed the water splashes around the sinks. I grunted and went after them.
“I think they have people here for that.”
I jumped, not realizing that the other person had come out of their stall.
How long had I been fixated on the blemishes of the room?
I winced when I saw Courtney in the mirror. She looked beautiful in her black and green dress which left exactly nothing to the imagination. The slit in the skirt was so high I knew for a fact that she wasn’t wearing shorts to keep her thighs from chafing.
My fingers curled around the paper, and I forced a smile. “Just leaving the place better than I found it.”
“How nice of you.” Courtney sashayed her way to the sink.
I still hadn’t washed my own hands, so I pushed the soap dispenser and waved my fingers under the faucet. I suddenly felt every bit of grime that might be on them and scrubbed vigorously to get it off.
Courtney finished and moved to the air dryers. I made a show of looking at my makeup, hoping she’d leave so I could have a moment to compose myself, but a few seconds after the noise from the dryer stopped, she still stood in the bathroom. Her gaze settled on me, and I knew I wasn’t getting out of here without a conversation.
“I feel like I need to share something with you,” Courtney said.
“Oh yeah?” A hiss sounded as I retrieved one last paper towel.
“It’s about Logan.”
This ought to be good.
She continued. “He’s not going to leave Big Bear for you.”
Ire ran up my spine, and I straightened. “I haven’t asked him to.”
“He’ll ask you to go there.”
“And?” This wasn’t anything new, and it wasn’t any of her business.
“Is that something you’re willing to do? It’s a very different lifestyle.” She clasped her hands together as if she were an innocent child.
“I’ve been there.” I spoke in a flat voice. “I know what I’d be getting into.”
“Do you?”
I rolled my eyes and went to move past Courtney. “We’re done here.”
She held a hand in front of me, and I jerked to a halt. “Do you know about Logan’s expectations for a spouse? His list?”
I stared at her, saying nothing.
“I’ll take that as a no.”