Like everything else in this hotel, the bathroom was opulent. There was a shelf for my purse, if I’d had one, and plenty of space for even me to turn around and strip off layers without hitting the walls. And the walls weren’t cheap metal but varnished wood that ran from the floor almost to the ceiling.
If I wasn’t such a chicken about them, there was even a bidet option, but I knew if I tried it, I’d end up with water all over me.
One advantage of having to strip off a few things was that I now had access to my phone. I figured I’d give myself a few minutes to cool down, so I retrieved it and swiped it to life.
I shouldn’t have been surprised that I had a bunch of messages from the Crew. Most of them were compliments on my dress, which I’d sent pictures of before I’d come down from the room.
Rachel had sent a private message.
Rachel:How did it go?
I shook my head as I noticed the timestamp. Just a few minutes after I’d told them I was heading out. What did she think, Logan and I were going to confess our feelings for each other during the first song?
I bit my lip, wondering how much I should say. It’s not like we were engaged, but something had happened. An unspoken promise to do everything we could to make us work. Butterflies in my stomach burst to life, and I swallowed hard before answering.
Victoria:We had the talk.
Victoria:And I think we’re going steady.
Rachel sent an eye roll emoji.
Rachel:Details please.
Victoria:We’re still working them out.
Rachel:Not good enough.
I stared at my screen. I hadn’t been able to say “I love you” to Logan, and now I couldn’t type it either.
Victoria:We shared feelings.
Rachel:L-word feelings?
That earned me a flurry of heart emojis.
Rachel:Did you kiss?
A blush rose up my cheeks as I let myself relive the last twenty minutes. It felt like a dream that I hadn’t woken up from yet. A wistful sigh escaped, and I answered her.
Victoria:A lot.
I could imagine Rachel wanting to ask if I’d agreed to move to Big Bear yet, but she didn’t type it, for which I was grateful.
A small thud sounded, and for a moment, I could hear the music from outside. Someone’s heels clicked on the tile floors and went into a stall.
Time to go. I left Rachel with one last message.
Victoria:More later. Have to get back to the ball.
I ripped off some toilet paper and frowned when the edge didn’t follow the perforations. I took another square so it would be even. After fighting my way back into all of my layers and replacing my phone, I emerged from the stall and moved to the sinks and the mirror.
I’d half expected my hair to be messed up and my lipstick smeared. However, I’d prepared for the kissing, and my lips looked as good as when I’d started.