“It’s going to be hard for me to come down here for the next few months.” He put his chin on the top of my head.

I clasped my hands together behind his back and snuggled into his chest. “Normally I’d have a more flexible schedule, but trying to get this subscription box thing off the ground is going to take a lot of my attention through the end of the year.”

“Look at us, being responsible and ambitious adults.” He laughed, and I felt it through my chest.

“What were we thinking?”

Logan pressed his lips to my temple. “We’ll figure it out. I’m not sure I can go more than a few weeks without seeing you.”

“A few weeks sounds ambitious.” I’d be struggling after two or three days.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

Now, I chuckled. “No reason to be sorry for being amazing.”

“You’re the amazing one.” He stroked my back, and a chill ran up my spine. “Are you cold? Should we go back in?”

My skin felt like it was on fire, but the cool air began to pull the heat away. “Not yet,” I murmured.


For the first time since we’d come out here, I noticed the sound of the chamber orchestra floating through the air. Just loud enough for me to make it out. Logan took one of my hands and kept his other arm around me. “Want to dance?” he whispered.

“Yes.” I’d never actually danced cheek to cheek with anyone before. Logan’s five o’clock shadow tickled my face. He hummed along with the tune, and I could feel the vibrations through my whole body. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to sink into the moment. I burned it into my mind so I’d always remember what it felt like to be held by a man who loved me.

This was the stuff of romantic movies and ballads.

This was something that I’d always wanted but had never let myself believe could happen to me.

And now it was happening.

I sighed and kept dancing.

Several songs came and went, and I’d never been more content in my life. If not for the chill in the air, I would have been able to dance with Logan forever.

Unfortunately, I’d had plenty to drink before getting dressed, and now I needed to use the bathroom. I hated to step away from Logan, but nature called.

“What’s wrong?” Logan asked.

“I need to go to the little girl’s room.” I bit my lip, embarrassed that I’d had to ruin our perfect moment.

He laughed. “Same, actually.” He let me go but kept a hold of one hand. “This is what we get for being properly hydrated.”

“I’m cursing every study I’ve ever read saying that we all need to drink more water.” I’d worried that as soon as we moved apart, the magic bubble we’d been in would pop, but it didn’t. Instead, it came with us. If this had been a movie, each of our steps would have left a glowing print behind, and little fireworks would be going off all around us.

We passed the outdoor tables and got a few grins from people. One guy gave Logan a thumbs up, which made me laugh. When we came through the patio door and into the ballroom, the warm air curled around me like a blanket, which actually didn’t help my need to go to the bathroom. I sped up.

“In a hurry?” Logan teased.

“You think?” He probably didn’t have extra layers to take off before he could do his business. I had a pair of tummy control high-waisted shorts on that I was going to have to wrestle my way out of before I could find relief. That was going to take precious seconds that I might not have.

“This way.” Logan led me around the edge of the dance floor to the nearest bathroom. Lucky for me, it wasn’t far, and although a few people looked like they wanted to talk to us, they kept their distance. When we got there, Logan gave me a huge grin and said, “Maybe next time go before you leave the room.”

“Shut up.” I playfully smacked his arm before bolting inside.

“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” he said happily.

“Whatever,” I muttered. My heart hadn’t stopped a rhythmic pounding since I’d kissed Logan, and it didn’t slow now as I hurried to a stall to undress.