Because we hadn’t.
None of our touching or laughing or cuddling or talking could have prepared me for the flood of feelings that engulfed me as we kissed now.
Elation took my feet off the ground and rocketed us into the sky.
Passion ignited in a way that I hadn’t felt since Courtney, and even she hadn’t made me want her this badly.
A protective instinct filled me, and I knew I’d take a bullet for this woman.
Contentment settled in my mind as we gently explored one another, and I was sure I could find something new about Victoria every time we kissed.
She made a little noise of pleasure as I ran my fingers down her back. I grinned, and I was shocked that I wasn’t glowing.
Everything about Victoria was soft and inviting, but also sassy and sexy. Her lips commanded my attention, and I was only too happy to comply. I explored every inch of skin I could get to but didn’t push anything aside. It wasn’t like that with us.
This was deeper than a few kisses. Even though I wanted her, I could wait. I’d wait for as long as it took.
After one deeper kiss, Victoria pulled back a few inches, and I found her smiling at me.
“What?” I asked as I moved my lips to her neck again.
“So, you’re saying you like me?” she teased.
“I’m sorry, that’s not an answer.”
I straightened up and met her eyes. “I’m afraid it’s worse than that.”
Here it was. The real confession. I was about to use the L-word. For better or for worse, this was it. “I think I might be falling in love with you.”
Victoria blinked, then drew my forehead down to hers. “I was hoping it wasn’t just me.”
Chapter 21
Logan overloaded every one of my senses as we kissed. He smelled like an ocean breeze and tasted like peppermint. Each time his fingers brushed my skin, electricity danced across my whole body. He murmured my name as he nuzzled my neck, and I closed my eyes and let every sensation rush over me.
This was ten times better than I’d imagined.
“Are you really falling for me?” he asked.
He’d said the L-word a moment before, and I was infinitely grateful that he hadn’t used it again now. Did I love him? I was certainly headed that way, but if I had to say it out loud, I was afraid that months of therapy to get my OCD under control would fly out the window.
I could answer his question about falling for him though. “Hard core.”
Logan leaned away and studied me. His eyes locked with mine, and I suddenly understood what it meant when people said they got lost in a man’s gaze. If I looked hard enough, I was pretty sure I’d be able to see our future together. Our wedding, our family, kids, grandkids, and growing old.
I couldn’t help it. I kissed him again. Thoroughly. He gathered me in his arms, and when we’d finished, he held me close. I might never get tired of his fingers dancing across my back.
“I wish this was a little more straight forward,” he said softly.
In less than thirty-six hours, Logan was headed back to Big Bear, and I’d remain here. My life was in California and his in Alaska.