Not knowing was killing me.

I nodded.

“Then do it.” Brooke waved her free hand around.

“Trust me, talk about it before you part ways,”Rachel said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes, then almost hurtled off the bed when the door to the bathroom opened. Logan stuck his head and the top half of his bare chest out.

I wasn’t sure it was okay for a guy who loved to cook to have pecs like that. And were those actual abs that I could see? None of it was bulky but was all rather firm.

“I’m finished. Your turn.”

My eyes wanted to stay where they were, but I forced them up to his face, where I found an evil grin. He was taunting me; he was enjoying this. I vowed to pay him back, but not right now. I needed a minute. “Thanks,” I managed.

He waved. “See you in a few.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“You okay?” Rachel asked.

I shook my head.

“Has your OCD kicked in?” Brooke said.


Not yet, anyway. But it would, especially if the L-word came into play.

How was I going to survive a masquerade ball with Logan? He’d be in a tux, which is the best way for a man to dress, and all that close dancing might kill me.

Or it might give me the perfect opportunity to talk to him about how I felt.

Which meant I needed to start mitigating the urge to make myself into the perfect woman before I started lining up all of the items on the dresser by height.

Chapter 18


“Why are we down here again?” I grumbled to William as I adjusted my cufflinks. All of the men from the wedding party stood at the bottom of a grand staircase, which entered the ballroom at the far end. A cluster of string players sat in one corner of the massive space, waiting for a signal to start.

“So Natalie and her friends can make a grand entrance,” William said in a suitably sullen tone. He wore a sleek black tux with a silvery green vest and a matching mask that covered the top half of his face.

I wasn’t so sure about that. So far Natalie hadn’t struck me as the showoff type, but William probably knew her better than I did. Or maybe that’s what the east coast relatives would do, and he assumed Natalie was the same.

“How are things going with you and Victoria?” William asked.

I stopped my fidgeting and stared at him. The only personal things he’d asked me about were work and stuff about horses. I hadn’t expected an inquiry about me and Victoria.

“Great,” I said automatically.

Because it was great, if I didn’t think about the fact that I’d be heading back to Alaska in two days. Back to my dog, my friends, and running two restaurants.

But no Victoria.

The look on her face when I’d stuck my head out of the bathroom with just a towel on had been priceless. If nothing else, she’d enjoyed the show. Hopefully that meant she was into me. If not, this masquerade ball was going to be both humiliating and depressing.

Was it irony or a terrible curse that William might be here to once again witness my abject humiliation?