Rachel was next.


A minute later, I hadn’t heard from anyone else, and the water from the shower had started, so I called Rachel and Brooke. Their smiling faces appeared, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“What did Logan do?” I could tell Rachel was in her living room.

“Do we need to break his knees?” Brooke’s dirty face sat under the shade of aholey straw cowboy hat.

“No knee breaking,” I assured her. Brooke had the tools and the know-how to do it. I took a breath and said, “I think I’m falling in love.”

“Hah. Shane owes me,” Rachel said.

Brooke, being Brooke, let out a yeehaw loud enough that I was worried Logan might hear it.

“You bet on this?” I asked Rachel. Not that I was surprised.

“Shane started it.”

“What happened?” Brooke asked. “Tell us everything.”

“I followed the plan, and we’ve been talking about real things, which has been nice.” I told them about Logan rescuing me in the animal shelter, how we’d spent the evening after that not touching, and how that had only made me want to be near him more.

“Sounds like you’re licked,” Brooke said.

“Yeah.” I spoke to Rachel. “Is this weird for you?” She and Logan had been friends for over twenty years.

“Not at all.” She grinned. “I’m thrilled that two of my best friends are happy. It’s even better that they’re happy together.”

“Well, not together yet,” I said.

“What’s the problem?” Brooke asked.

Logan would be done in the shower any minute, and—

The water went off.


“What?” Rachel asked.

“He’s done showering,” I whispered.

“We’re not finished,” Brooke also whispered.

The door between the bathroom and my room opened a crack.

What was Logan doing?

Several scandalous possibilities came to mind, but I blocked them out and took a few steps backward.

“Victoria?” He sounded chagrined.

“Yeah?” I asked as I held a finger up to the phone telling them to wait.

“They didn’t replace the towels in here, and mine is in the other room. Do you have an extra?”

I’d always read about people letting out breaths they didn’t know they were holding. That totally happened to me right then. He needed a towel. He wasn’t coming into my room. I exhaled and had to inhale to get enough oxygen for my brain to operate properly.