“It took you a lot longer than that to warm up to me during college.”
“I wasn’t sure what I wanted back then.”
“And you know now?”
Logan squeezed my hand. “I do.”
I begged my heart not to explode. Logan was just saying that to keep her away from him.
Could he mean it?
Courtney gave us a wispy smile. “Well, the two of you are just adorable together.”
William grunted, which I took as agreement.
I looked at us from an outsider’s point of view as we made our way to the suite. If I’d seen us eating downstairs, I would have pegged us for a serious couple. One that couldn’t help but flirt every second they were together, and one that would likely be deeply in love for a long, long time.
Love. That word sent my heart into palpitations, which probably wasn’t good for my body.
Boyfriends had been few and far between for me. After one serious relationship in college, which I’d managed to poison with my annoying need to be perfect with a guy I was serious about, I’d adopted the flirting-only attitude. It had kept me safe and helped me learn to have fun with guys.
The line between me and Logan had blurred way back in Big Bear, but I hadn’t realized how much of it was a mere smear until he’d kissed me when he’d first gotten here.
I’d been wanting that again ever since it had happened, and not because it was fun, but because it felt right.
Logan felt right.
He was a giver. A generous soul who would likely loan a stranger the coat off his back without any expectation of it being returned.
The kind of man any woman would be attracted to, but the one that I was actually falling in love with.
We were already holding hands, and I took a step closer to him. Not that I’d been too far away, but the air gap had felt like a canyon between us. Now that it was gone, I felt complete.
Alarms sounded in my head. I was using the words love and complete with Logan. I needed to talk to someone about this. Soon.
Logan nudged me with his elbow as I opened the door. “You okay?” Concern shined in his eyes. “You’ve been quiet.”
“I’m fine,” I assured him. “Just trying to decide if I’m going to let you shower first.”
“They really should have given more warning about the activity today. If I’d known I was going to burn several thousand calories, I wouldn’t have showered this morning.”
“Do you want to go before me?” he asked.
“Nah. You go ahead. We’ve got plenty of time, and I need to check on some work stuff.”
“Suit yourself.” He grabbed a few things from his bag and headed for the bathroom.
I sighed when he closed the door, imagining what lay beneath his T-shirt, but telling myself I had more important things to do.
Like call my friends.
I barricaded myself in my room and sent out an emergency text, asking if anyone could video chat in the next five minutes.
Brooke got back to me right away.
Brooke:I’m in the middle of a field but can chat.