This had been an extended family staple ever since my mom’s oldest brother had gotten married?for the second time?and his bride had been really into country music.

Natalie had hired a male dance instructor who put every country singer who’d ever worn jeans to shame. It helped that he faced away from us so we could “watch his feet.”

“This isn’t so bad,” Greta said as she tried to keep up with the footwork.

“It would help if you’d pay attention to his boots and not other things,” I said.

“His assets?” Greta giggled.

Hannah laughed.

“That’s not what I…forget it.” Who was I to ruin her fun?

The steps came easily for me, and after just a few minutes, I had it down.

Hannah moved close to me and whispered, “Is it just me, or are the east coast relatives having a hard time with this?”

“They most certainly are,” I said.

Greta, to her credit, kept up better than some of the younger women. It helped that the instructor liked to come by and wink at her.

Once we’d mostly mastered the basics, they gave us a quick break. Greta, Hannah, and I got some water. Greta put on her headband and now looked ready for war.

“This is way more fun than a charity,” Greta said.

“Uh-huh,” I replied as the instructor, Keith, sauntered toward us.

“Way. More. Fun.” Greta sighed.

Keith gave the three of us a smile. I expected him to talk to Greta, but instead, he turned to Hannah and me. “You two obviously know what you’re doing. Would you be okay to demonstrate with me?” He sounded a little unsure of himself.

“Course they would.” Greta hit me in the back, and I stumbled into Keith. The slightly baggy T-shirt hid a lot of muscles. “But don’t get any ideas though, they’re both taken.”

I shook my head and took a step back. “She’s on one today,” I muttered to Keith.

He gave me a grin, then turned it on Greta. “Yes, ma’am.” He tipped an imaginary hat at the older woman, then jerked his head for me and Hannah to follow.

“Behave,” I whispered to Greta before I walked away.


She had a point.

My sister and I followed Keith, and when he brought up the music, he had us dance on either side of him. Right in the middle, he said, “Ladies, notice how Victoria is using those core muscles and her hips?”

Heat ran up my neck. What else was I supposed to do during that part of the song?

“This is what we want.” His hand rested lightly on my waist for a minute as we went through the routine again. I did my best to keep dancing as I had been. Guys didn’t usually pay attention to me, and even though Keith was smoking hot, all I could think is what would it feel like to have Logan touching me.

Keith smiled when we finished. “See? Perfect.”

Some of the women got into it after that, but when Keith dismissed me, Hannah and I ended up near Courtney and a few other cousins. I wasn’t surprised to hear them complaining.

“This is so hokey.”


“And such a waste of time. Who does this?”