“Nice to meet you.” Hannah smiled.
Courtney gave my sister a little nod, then turned to Greta. “How are you, Great-Aunt Greta?”
“Getting older,” Greta growled. “Might be dead soon.” She sounded, well, dead serious.
I almost snorted into my coffee.
Courtney made a tsking noise. “Don’t say that.”
“Why not?”
Yes, Greta’s default was sassy, but this biting humor was a new side of her, and I was glad I wasn’t at the receiving end of it.
“Because we still need you.”
Hannah caught my attention, and she rolled her eyes.
Courtney was presenting herself with grace and tact, but something in her tone stood the little hairs on the back of my neck on end. I decided to intervene before Greta morphed into a bear and mauled her.
“Courtney, I’ve been meaning to ask you, what do you do?”
Did I understand that this was a peasant question? Why yes, I did. Obviously, everyone in the family had enough money that work might be beneath them. Did I ask her anyway, with a happy gleam in my eye? Why yes, I did.
Courtney took a sip of her tea and sat the cup on the saucer with a barely audibletink. “I’m the vice president of an investment company.”
It was likely part of her father’s corporation, but I wasn’t going to bring that up. “And you went to school at the University of Pennsylvania with Logan?”
“That’s right.”
Time for a jab. Since I was Logan’s current girlfriend, it was expected. “Did you find the education beneficial?”
“Somewhat,” she said easily. “Although, I enjoyed other aspects of the experience more.”
Greta started coughing, and I suspected she’d laugh-inhaled part of a doughnut.
“Are you all right?” Courtney asked her.
“Fine,” Greta croaked.
Hannah patted the older woman on the back.
Courtney turned to me. “What schooling do you have?”
She asked me as if expecting me to say I’d gone to the local community college. Nothing against those schools, but I had a better answer for her. “Four years at Stanford.” Which had all been paid off. Look at me adulting.
“I see.” She took a sip of her tea. “Do you plan to move to Alaska to be with Logan?”
Hannah’s eyes almost bulged out of her head.
It’s not that I hadn’t expected the question, but I hadn’t realized that we were at that point in this conversation. I’d been ready for five or six more inquiries that threatened to slander my character before she dove into me and Logan.
However, I wasn’t above being direct, so I shrugged. “We haven’t gotten that far yet.”
I’d thought about it and hadn’t come to any conclusions.It would have to be true love for me to go up there. Like birds-singing, sun-shining, animals-dancing-while-I-hummed-as-I-walked-through-the-woods true love.
Which I’d kind of felt the night before.
“He’s a nice guy,” Greta said. “You let a good one get away, Courtney.”