Chapter 15


I walked slowly, putting plenty of distance between Courtney and me. While part of me wanted to know more about her, her family, and her time with Logan, I didn’t want her prying intomyrelationship with Logan, and since turnabout was fair play, I decided to stay away.

For now.

We ended up in the grand ballroom. Most of the women from the wedding party sat at a cluster of small tables eating. Several stations to the left of the door held breakfast items. I spotted Greta hovering over the doughnuts and headed her way. Although, I got distracted by the Denver omelets and grabbed one of those before I finally reached the older woman.

“What’s this about?” Greta waved a hand around the room and glared at me as if I’d single-handedly plotted to ruin her morning by making her get up before noon.

I steered her toward the coffee bar. “Why don’t we get you a morning shot of sunshine to go with all of that sugar?”

She grumbled but ordered a cup from the barista. I got my Café Au Lait, and we ended up at a table by ourselves.

After a few bites, half of the anger lines on Greta’s face softened, and she took three sips of coffee before addressing me again. “Like I said before, what is this about?”

“I suspect we’re going to be dancing.”

Greta gave me the greatest slow blink in history. Her fake eyelashes grew incrementally closer each second, but it still took forever before they met and then parted again.

For being so grumpy, she’d done a good job of putting on makeup and doing her hair. I noticed a fuzzy red headband sticking out of her bag.

“Basically, the only strange tradition we have at our family weddings is country line dancing.”

Greta chewed a bite of doughnut and swallowed before she spoke.“I learned that Boot Scoot Booty once.”

“Boogie,” I said.

“Whatever.”Greta waved a hand. “Doesn’t matter because I barely remember the way to my room, let alone a dance.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

“Hey, Sis,” Hannah said as she joined us. She wore a pair of yellow workout shorts and a light blue tank top.

“Morning, Greta.” Hannah gave her a wide smile.

Greta responded with a grunt.

I glanced over my shoulder, looking for my mom.

“Don’t worry, Mom is trying to impress Natalie’s mother again,” Hannah said. She then gave me a stern look. “Are you really okay?”

We hadn’t talked since before the animal shelter. I nodded. “Fine.”

I could tell Hannah wanted to ask me about Logan, but Greta raised her cup to her lips and murmured, “Incoming.”

I kept my attention on her but heard footsteps approaching from behind me.

To my surprise, Cortney appeared and asked, “May I?”

Greta grunted.

“Of course,” I said.

Courtney sat with a flourish, somehow not spilling her tea. Her long dark hair hung in a braid, and her peach lip gloss shimmered.

I wasn’t sure if Hannah and Courtney had met, so I decided to make introductions. “Courtney, this is Hannah, my sister. Hannah, this is Courtney, Natalie’s cousin.”