He gave me a soft smile. “You know you can call me anytime if you need help, or even just someone to listen.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.” I hadn’t expected him to respond to an actual conversation like this. It felt good to talk about real things and not just silliness.

It felt like we could be more than flirting buddies.

Logan cleared his throat. “We have a few hours before dinner. Want to watch TV?”

“What did you have in mind?”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “Gilmore Girls?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of something violent.Jaws?”

He laughed. “I don’t want to get thrown off the couch if you have a sudden PTSD incident from the boat.”

“There’s no charcuterie board?you’re safe.”

He lowered his voice. “Promise?”

I swallowed. He was safe. Not so sure about my heart.

Chapter 14


The past twenty-four hours had been some of the most intense of my life.

I’d come here reeling from the trade show, only to be slapped by Fate when Courtney had appeared. Then I’d swooped Victoria up in my arms, and now all I could think about was how much I didn’t want this wedding to end.

Victoria had put on a brave face at the shelter the day before, and I suspected she’d done it for me. Which was just about as attractive as a woman could get in my book. Facing fears was something most people didn’t want to try, but Victoria had tackled it head on.

I wasn’t sure I could say she didn’t hate animals, but I could say she’d tried to get over it. She still wouldn’t tell me the story behind her fear, but we were making progress.

We’d spent a few hours the afternoon before watching and mocking shows as we lounged on the couch. It turned out that Victoria really was into violent movies and thought blood splatter was one of the most hilarious things ever.

I’d chosen baking shows, which we had a good time making fun of, as well as vowing to try a couple of recipes after we each got back home.

I’d wanted to hold her in my arms, but she’d kept her distance. She muttered something about needing some space after getting attacked, so I left an air gap between us the whole time.

Did we still flirt?


But we did it without touching, which was new. New and exhilarating. We’d been physical from the beginning—playful shoving, arm brushing, sitting close, and cuddling—but this had been even better than that. I’d hoped there was more to us than our bodies and flirting, but now I knew.

This morning, after a decent night’s sleep on the couch, I’d showered first, then gotten mostly dressed in the bathroom before leaving the place to her.

It might bother some guys that it took Victoria a while to get ready, but I’d grown up with Crystal, and she was the queen of hoarding bathroom time.

What I hadn’t expected was Victoria’s habit of humming to herself as she did her hair. She kept the door mostly closed as she did so. I had strict instructions not to come anywhere nearby because she wasn’t fully dressed, but she needed the fresh air, or she might die.

Not that I’d cheapen our relationship by trying to sneak a peek, but now I was curious and had to distract myself.

So I decided to mess with her. The moment she quit humming something by Taylor Swift, I sung a few lines from a Journey song.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, she was vocalizing that one.

I couldn’t help the huge grin on my face when she came out of the bathroom singing the third song I’d implanted in her brain.