As I was taking notes, a text came through.

Rachel:You and Logan are sharing a room?!? Why did I have to hear about this from Shane?


Wait, Logan actually told Shane?

Victoria:Because I’ve barely had a moment to breathe since he got here.

I quickly explained and sent one of the pictures from the shelter.

Rachel:We’re going back to you and Logan, but first, are you okay???

Victoria:Fine. Mostly. I took a bath and washed off all the animal icky.

That got me a laughing emoji.

I struck before she could.

Victoria:Logan and I are fine.

Fine is such a relative term that it worked.

Rachel:How is the plan going?

Victoria:We actually chatted about business earlier.

Rachel:Good, what else?

And he kept me from falling apart.

Victoria:He saved me from the animals, so those are points in his favor.

Rachel:What’s your next step?

I eyed the couch and considered curling up next to Logan, but room service saved me as my phone buzzed with their text.

Victoria: I ordered us lunch. Gotta go.

I dropped my phone in my pocket, then crept to the door of the suite. A quiet click announced the lock, and a small squeak that I’d never noticed before sounded as I opened the door.

Outside sat a rolling cart with three covered plates on it. I’d pulled it halfway into the suite when Courtney’s door swung open.

She looked regal in a brunch outfit that could be worn in the nicest restaurants in town and a matching Chanel handbag. Next to my frumpy life, she looked like a goddess.

I shouldn’t have felt like I needed to comment on my activities, but in a moment of insanity, I wiggled my eyebrows at her, tugged the cart inside, and shut the door as fast as I could.

Logan must have heard something, because I found him sitting up and yawning when I turned around. “Lunch?” he asked when he saw the cart.

“Yup. Perks of being in a suite. It’s all free.” At least Kyle had told me to order whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. And since he’d sent me to the stinking animal shelter with a weak warning, I planned to order a lot of stuff.

Logan stood and sauntered over. When he came up beside me, he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was so natural, almost casual, and yet the zing that zoomed through me left me floating several inches off the ground. “You’re the best. I’m starving.”

I was starving too, but not just for food.

I shook that thought away as Logan pushed the cart to the small table in the corner. He pulled out my chair, helped me sit, then started moving the trays to the table. “Time to be judgy, are you ready?” he asked as he settled in.

This was territory I could handle. I put a serious expression on my face and nodded. “Ready.”