“Do you want me to get him off of you?” Logan stepped forward and reached for the feline.

A low growl came from the cat.

“No!” My hands were still in the air. Was that a claw I felt sinking into my leg? “Stay back.”

Logan chuckled. “Cats are so dramatic. If you stand up, I’m sure he’ll get off.”

I looked down and met the cat’s gaze. His flat expression told me that he wasn’t going anywhere.

Why had Jenni dropped him on me? Had she gone back inside? Greta might rescue me. I glanced around to find her, but instead I heard a commotion coming from the building.

“Come on, let’s go play.”

“Good boy!”

“Look how cute she is.”

The other couples were on their way out.

A bark sounded.

The hair on the stupid cat on my lap somehow poofed out even more. Another low growl came from his throat.

I was going to die here.

Death by cat because of dogs.

This is not how I wanted to leave this world.

Chapter 12


The panicked expression on Victoria’s face made it look as if she had a bomb sitting on her lap instead of just a cat.

For a second, it had been fun to watch her as she begged the animal to go away, but then panic had turned to terror, and I’d gone to help.

Only the cat didn’t like me.

I glanced around for Greta, but she and Jenni had gone back inside to retrieve our next photo opportunity. I was about to offer to take the animal off of Victoria’s lap again, but then I heard the dogs coming.

I was fairly certain that Victoria was reacting better to a feline than she would to a canine. If this place filled up with dogs, she was going to climb the tree, jump the fence, and run.

The four other people from the limo piled out the door, each of them holding a leash with a dog at the end of it. Two of the animals were big, one medium-sized, and one smaller than the cat on Victoria’s lap.

In my experience, dogs didn’t always chase cats, and cats didn’t always hate dogs. These canines were so happy to be outside that they didn’t even notice the feline.

But they did notice Victoria and me.

They were probably itching to go and re-mark all of their territory, but new people to greet were hard to pass up.

Sky loved almost everyone. I’d only seen him suspicious of a handful of people over the years, but he hadn’t growled or acted aggressive; instead, he’d seemingly ignored them while at the same time watching their every move. Sky had been trained to keep his distance unless invited, and he loved kids.

These dogs had been somewhat isolated for a while, so they were super excited to socialize. One of the big ones and the little one came right for Victoria and me.

The people holding the leashes didn’t seem to care where the pooches went, and the guy with the medium-sized animal was more interested in taking pictures than he was paying attention to his charge.

The biggest canine, maybe a lab and a Great Dane mix, came right up to Victoria and began sniffing her and the cat.