Oh, and having a huge, fluffy dog who wanted to be my friend when all I wanted to do was hide from him.
Logan was a catch. A catch that I got to pretend I was dating for the next three days.
Three days that I was going to use to my advantage.
The elevator slid to a stop, and the door opened. I went to get out, but Logan took my elbow and held me in place. “We’re only on the tenth floor.”
Sure enough, instead of the lobby, I found people in a hallway waiting. Not just people, but my family, who piled in with enthusiasm.
Before I could say anything, my mom gave Logan a wide, predatory smile. “This must be Logan.”
Oh boy, I could tell that she had about a thousand questions for him. Before she could get started, I made introductions.
“Hannah, Dylan, Mom, Dad, this is Logan White from Big Bear, Alaska. Logan, this is my sister Hannah, her husband, Dylan, my mom, Christina, and my dad, Mark.”
I almost jumped off the floor when Logan’s palm pressed lightly into my lower back, as if he knew I needed a boost right then.
“Nice to meet you,” Logan said as he shook hands all around. When he got to my mom, he said, “I can see where Victoria gets her good looks.”
Any normal middle-aged woman would have at least feigned a blush, but my mother gave him a slow blink. I’d have to let Logan know that my mom loved me for my brain, not my body.
My dad saved the day. “I always thought she got them from me.”
Logan laughed.
Hannah dove in next. “Victoria says you own several restaurants up in Alaska.”
“That’s right.”
“I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska.” Hannah shot Dylan a glare.
“You should come to Big Bear.” Logan leaned toward her. “I happen to know that there’s always good food there.”
Hannah turned to Dylan. “When are we going?”
“Just not during tax season,” he said.
Logan’s hand slid around to my side, and he gave me a little squeeze. I hadn’t planned on inflicting my family upon him quite this early in the day, but here we were, and he was rocking it. Like he rocked everything.
My dad bounced his eyebrows and shot Logan a conspiratorial look. “Are you two enjoying the suite?”
“Dad!” I blurted out.
“What?” He feigned innocence.
Logan pulled me to his side, and I felt him laughing. “As a matter of fact, we’re really enjoying it.”
Dad looked smug, like he’d won a bet between him and my mom. Mom, on the other hand, wore an expression I knew all too well. It clearly said that I needed to be careful and behave so I didn’t mess this up. It suddenly felt like I had ten-pound sandbags on each of my shoulders, and a list of things that I’d possibly done wrong in my life formed in my head.
Had I missed something for work? Had I forgotten to email a client? Had I ignored an update someone had asked for? Or put a wrong link in my code?
Then my thoughts swerved to Logan.
What did I need to be doing for him? Was he really okay on the couch? I could sleep there. Maybe we should switch places so he’d be more comfortable. I needed to get my stuff off the bathroom counter so he had space and it looked tidy.
What if Logan had expectations for staying with me?
The elevator stopped again, and when the door opened, I couldn’t get out of the confined area fast enough. I let the others go first, but my fingers manically tapped against my purse strap.