I smiled. “Well, if nothing else, then this will be an entertaining weekend.” When I glanced out the window, I found myself in an obviously wealthy part of town, with ornate buildings, wide roads, and landscaping that probably cost a fortune.
Mel snorted. “Probably. It’s just around the next corner.”
We’d gotten stopped at a red light, so I gave Victoria a heads up.
Logan:Just a few blocks away.
Victoria:Be right out. You’re saving me from an awkward conversation.
Logan:Super Logan to the rescue!
Victoria sent an eyeroll emoji.
“Looks like we’re going to end up behind this limo,” Mel pointed ahead of us. “It might be someone else going to your party.”
“Maybe.” I readied myself for eccentric rich people.
Sure enough, the limo pulled over right before we did.
Mel followed suit and stopped. He threw the car into park and was about to open the door, but I stopped him. “I can grab my bag. Just pop the trunk.”
Mel shrugged. “Fine with me. Have a nice weekend.”
“You too.” I grinned.” Don’t torture your wife too much.”
“I’ll take it under advisement.”
I jumped out and did my best not to glare at the sunshine blasting me in the face. It wasn’t as warm as Vegas had been, but I’d spent most of the show indoors. My skin rejoiced at the moisture in the air, soaking it up as if I’d been bathing in sand for a week.
The driver of the limo gave me a nod as he opened the door and helped someone out.
When I’d retrieved my bag, I shut the trunk and gave it two slaps. Mel waved and pulled out.
Victoria had assured me that I could drop my suitcase in her room until I could check in at my hotel, so I set it on the curb and pulled the handle up.
Then a voice I’d hope to never hear again slammed into my eardrums.
Several things happened at once. I bristled like Sky did when he sensed danger, my heart gave a mighty thump, then stopped beating, and whatever moisture had been in my mouth evaporated. I also froze in place.
“Logan White?”
A string of profanity ran through my mind, and I forced my suddenly stiff neck to turn far enough to see the woman who had exited the limo.
Still tall and slender, her dark hair was longer than it had been when we’d dated. She wore a sleeveless white blouse with light blue capris and at least five-inch heels.
Courtney, the only woman I’d ever asked to marry me. She was the only woman I’d ever really loved, and she was the one woman in the world that I’d never wanted to see again. She pulled the huge sunglasses off of her face and looked at me with the brown eyes that, at one point in my life, I’d hoped to wake up to each and every single morning.
Brown eyes that I still dreamed about. Brown eyes that studied me as she said, “What are you doing here, Logan?”
Chapter 7
It’s a good thing I liked to be fashionable. If not, I would have felt severely underdressed for the morning’s coffee, smoothie, and pastry bar.
I’d donned a fitted, blue and white striped jersey dress that went to my knees, a cropped jean jacket, and the cutest sneakers I owned.