The other girls stared at me and waited.

Pretty sure Brooke gave me a slow blink, but maybe she was just trying to get dust out of her eyes.

My gaze drifted to Rachel’s box on the screen. “I may have called Logan in a panic.”

Rachel sat up. “You did? What did he say?”

“I thought you and Logan were only flirting buddies,” Nanette said.

“We are.” I winced. “Were.”

Rachel leaned closer to her camera. “Is he coming?”

“He said he was going to try to arrange it so he could. He’s supposed to get back to me later tonight.”

Nanette spoke. “I don’t understand the emergency. You and Logan get along, right?”

Having three sets of eyes from different parts of the world staring at me was intimidating. “We do.”

“Do you like-like him?” Rachel asked.

I hadn’t actually told anyone how I felt about Logan. As far as anyone knew, we were friends. Now I had to come clean. “Maybe.”

“I knew it!” Rachel hollered.

“You owe me five dollars, Nanette,” Brooke said.

Nanette ignored the Texan and said, “If you like him, then why is him coming down for three days a problem?”

“Because…things are supposed to stay casual between us. If I have to see him in a tux, I might propose.”

“Wow, that escalated quickly,” Rachel said.

“I know.” I rubbed my face. “Girls, I’m in trouble. What should I do?”

“Use your feminine wiles to win him to your side, of course,” Nanette said.

I’d expected that reaction from the newlywed.

My phone buzzed, and I looked down.

Logan:Hey, I think I’ve got everything worked out so I can be your fake boyfriend for the wedding!

I stared down at the screen. He’d arranged his life so he could be here. For me. With me.

“What is it?” Rachel asked.

“Logan says he can come.”


I looked up at my friends. “Seriously, girls, I’m not sure how this is going to work.”

“What do you want to happen?” Brooke asked. She was now lying in the grass holding the phone above her.

That was a good question. My first instinct was to sequester my feelings into a corner of my mind and trap them there until Logan left. Another much more frightened part of me wondered if I should try to explore them.

What if he was on the same page as me? Could there be anus.