That cheered me up. “Hey, Rachel, want to see Brooke in a cute dress?”
“I loved the dress you sent me,” Rachel said.
“Don’t you dare,” Brooke growled.
I brought the photo of Brooke up on my screen and shared it.
“You look adorable.” Rachel said from Alaska.
“The fabric itched,” Brooke complained.
“Did you put a bra on first?” I teased.
“Shut up.”
We all laughed, then to my surprise, Nanette appeared.
We hadn’t seen much of her since she’d married the man of her dreams and now hung out wherever he was filming his latest movie. Her wide smile filled me with warmth. I whistled when I noticed the silver sequined outfit against her dark skin.
“Big party?” I asked.
“The head of the studio came in for a couple of days and took us out.” Nanette grinned. “So I made David buy me a new dress.”
We were all curvy girls—we’d met through an online weight loss support group—but each of us had the potential to rock a nice outfit. And Nanette was killing it in that figure-hugging, plunging-neckline dress and blood red lipstick.
“I’m surprised David isn’t trying to get yououtof that thing.” Brooke winked.
“I left him talking shop. Said I had to use the bathroom.”
I held up a finger. “Are we in the echo room?”
Nanette swiveled the phone around so we could see. “Nope. I found a nice, quiet alcove.”
Brooke whistled. “Fancy place.”
“Don’t be jealous, we’re staying in a super tiny hotel where David is shooting. The bathroom in the plane was bigger than the one in our room.” Nanette’s face came back into view, and she said, “What’s up?”
I sat back and let out a breath. “I have a problem.”
“We’re all ears, darlin’,” Brooke said.
I took a deep breath and dove in. “The short version is that Kyle, my favorite cousin, is getting married. You know, the one I hang out with all the time. The festivities will last four days, and he asked me to be in the wedding party.”
“Four days?” Rachel asked.
“Sounds like torture,” Nanette said.
“Agreed.” I chewed on my lip before I went on. “They said I could come without a plus one.”
“Because that’s so much fun,” Brooke muttered.
“Right?” I gave her a smile, then it faded. “Something possessed me to tell them I’d have a date.”
“Do you?” Rachel asked.
“I’m not sure.”