Silence. Had I gone too far? Was this outside our flirting buddies’ boundaries? I kicked a stray pinecone.


“You’d do that for me?”

I spoke then held my breath. “Only if you want me to.”

Chapter 5


I sat at my computer with my feet up on the corner of the desk, waiting for someone—anyone—to join me in the online meeting.

I’d sent the SOS out to the Curvy Girl Crew the second I’d gotten home. Logan had called while I’d been driving, and I was still trying to process what had happened.

Kyle was getting married, and Logan had volunteered to come be my plus one.

What had I been thinking telling Kyle that I was dating someone?

A message popped up from Brooke.

Brooke:Be there in a few.

The only other Crew members I’d heard from had been Nanette and Rachel. Nanette was on location in Spain with her movie star husband, and she hoped to be back from dinner so she could say hello.

I knew it wasn’t personal. Between the rest of the Curvy Girl Crew, they were juggling a new husband along with being on a reality show for glass blowing, two fiancés, some crazy recording contract for the tuba, and a work emergency of epic proportions. That was Jessica, and considering she worked in New York, where there were always things of epic proportions going on, it had to be bad.

I glanced at the clock in the corner of my screen, leaned back, and took a couple of deep breaths.

Rachel was the first one to join me. I wasn’t surprised. We’d spent a lot of time together over the past few months, and we’d really bonded up in Alaska.

She was the reason I had Logan White on the docket as my fake dating partner.

“Hey,” Rachel said with a smile. I could tell she was sitting in her living room, hanging out in sweats, and probably working on the big estate she was clearing out in Massachusetts. Her long black hair hung in a braid that lay over one shoulder.

“Hey.” I gave her a smile.

“You look stressed,” Rachel said.

“You have no idea.” I hadn’t shared the particulars with the Crew when I’d begged for a few listening ears.

“Should I be excited to hear the news?” Rachel asked.

The fact that it had to do with Logan and me meant she probably would be excited. “Maybe.”

Brooke popped up next. Once again, she wore denim overalls and a dirty red T-shirt. Dust covered her face, and her short dark hair spiked out everywhere.

“Were you wrestling a bear?” Rachel asked.

Brooke made a face. “We don’t have bears in this part of Texas, darlin’.”

“Sheep again?” I asked.

“Nope. This time it was my dad’s tractor that needed a firm hand.”

“What don’t you do?” Rachel said to Brooke.

“Wear fancy clothes.” Brook glared at the camera, but it felt like she was targeting me.