I was still working through my issues. I’d made significant progress and was mostly in control of my OCD. Just last week I’d started my therapy visits online instead of in person. That meant I no longer had anything but my family tying me to California.
That thought filled me with both excitement and dread.
No matter what I’d told Courtney, I knew I wasn’t totally prepared for living in Alaska. It was cold, cloudy, and dreary for most of the year. I’d grown up with sunshine and beaches. The whole thing would be an adjustment.
One that I’d already vowed to tackle head on, even if that included a month-long trip somewhere sunny in the middle of every winter.
“By the power vested in me…”
I blinked.
I’d totally missed the vows. There was more sniffing, and Nanette was handing out tissues to the entire first row of onlookers.
“You may kiss the bride.”
Rachel beamed as Shane took her in his arms. They were both practically glowing as they kissed for the first time as a married couple.
My gaze drifted to Logan, and he gave me a smile that said he hoped this would be us someday.
I returned the smile.
Why had I asked him not to bug me about marriage until March?
Oh, right, because I’d still been obsessively cleaning spots off of mirrors until two weeks ago. I’d wanted to make sure there wasn’t additional pressure on me so I could focus on my mental health.
Now, watching Rachel and Shane walk hand-in-hand toward their friends and family, I cursed myself for not allowing Logan to speed things up.
The two of us met behind the happy couple, and I took Logan’s offered elbow.
“Why am I crying harder than you?” he asked.
I fished a tissue out of my cleavage—Rachel’s bridesmaid dresses did not have pockets—and handed it to him. He wiped his eyes as we walked, then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “You okay?”
“I’m good.” It was true. My friend had just married the man of her dreams, and here I was walking with mine.
“You still up for the northern lights tonight?” Logan asked.
“I’m pretty sure the Crew would riot of we canceled.” The evening before had been cloudy, but it was supposed to be clear for a few hours around midnight. Logan had planned a whole outing for everyone.
Just one more reason to love the guy. He not only took care of me but my friends too. I sighed and leaned into him, enjoying the warmth of his body.
“What was that for?” he asked.
Now tears did spring to my eyes. “Just missing you already.”
He kissed the back of my hand, his lips lingering far longer than necessary, before he said. “Same.”
Hours later, after an amazing party and sending Rachel and Shane off to their house, Logan and I were in his SUV, along with Ashley and Ryan?and Sky in the very back?driving into the heart of Alaska.
“I’m in love with the Magnificent Moose,” Ashley said to Logan.
“Thanks.” Logan glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “Is it weird that I’m a little star-struck?” he asked.
Ashley laughed. “Why?”
“Because you won,” Logan said. “I love to watch glass blowing, and your stuff was amazing.”