I wanted to curl up and hide from shame, but I didn’t. Each and every item on there had a story behind it. I could defend them all.

Shane let out a whistle and sat back.

Rachel studied it for a bit longer before she looked up at me. “Thisisa pretty robust list.”

“I know.”

“You can see why Victoria might be freaking out.”

“If I’d known she’d seen it, I would have talked to her about it. She could have asked me anything, and I would have answered.” Only she hadn’t given me the chance. She’d ushered me out of the hotel, then basically cut off all but the most basic contact.

Not quite as bad as Courtney, but bad enough.

Victoria had said she was working on herself. I shifted in my chair again and looked hard at Rachel. “Is she trying to live up to this list? Is that why she’s avoiding me?”

Is that why she hasn’t said she loves me?

Rachel shook her head. “The list is a small part of it. She’s working through something else.” She handed the paper back. Out of habit, I slipped it into my wallet. As I did, I wondered how Courtney knew about it. Had she discovered it while we’d been dating and never told me?

Also, how had she gotten a hold of it this time? Then I remembered her ambush kiss at the reception. She’d been pretty handsy. She could have taken my wallet then and put it in the lost and found later that night.

Is that what had happened?

I vowed to text William about it in the morning.

“Has she agreed to see you again?” Rachel asked.

I shook my head. I’d looked at flights every day but hadn’t booked anything.

Rachel leaned forward. “I happen to know she’s free this weekend.”

It was my parent’s 40ththis weekend. We had family in town. There was no way I could get away.

“I think she could use an explanation, along with some moral support,” Rachel said.

“Moral support for what?” I asked.

“That’s her story to tell.”

I swallowed. I’d already moved heaven and earth to change the date of my parents’ party. How would they react if I ditched them to go see the woman I loved? I knew there were seats on the planes. I had the money. Vincent and Shane could handle things here.

“How do you feel about visiting us for a few days?” Shane asked Sky, who wagged his tail.

Chapter 31


I stood outside the animal shelter with my feet riveted to the ground. The air smelled like exhaust and winter in California, but all I could sense was the scent of the animals inside.

“You ready to do this, darlin’?” Brooke stood by my side and looped her arm through mine.

I swallowed hard, all too aware of the bile climbing up my throat, not to mention the way my fingers twitched to clean the windows.

Things on that front had gotten better over the past week, but today might set me back.

Because I was willingly going into an animal shelter to interact with the dogs.

“It’ll be fine, trust me.” Brooke patted my arm and tugged me forward.