“Sure do.”
Shane got shoved aside, and Rachel appeared. She wore a pair of sweats and an oversized shirt. Her dark hair sat piled on her head as if she’d thrown it up in a hurry. The look in her steely brown eyes made me want to hide.
What had I done?
She stopped to give Sky a rub down—she was his third favorite person ever—while Shane leaned on the end of my desk.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re invading my restaurant, or are you going to make me guess?”
“It’s her thing.” Shane jerked his thumb at Rachel.
Rachel straightened and settled into the chair opposite me.
“What did I do?” I asked aloud.
“You want to get straight to it?” she asked.
“You’re like one of those red letters in Harry Potter. The longer it’s bottled up in there, the louder it will be when it comes out.”
She flinched but nodded. “That’s pretty accurate.”
I looked at Shane. “Are you sure you want to marry her?”
“I don’t give her reasons to yell at me,” my friend said.
“Yet.” Rachel pointed at Shane, then turned her finger on me. “We need to talk.”
“About?” It could only be about Victoria, but I hoped there was something else going on that might distract me. Maybe Crystal had done something horrible again.
“Your list.” Rachel’s words stilled every other noise in the room. Not even Sky moved.
It took me a moment to digest what she’d said.
My list?
Was she talking about the one in my wallet? If so, how had she found out about it? It hadn’t fallen out; I’d just pulled the wallet out to check a card number.
It could be something else, so I said, “What list?”
“The one Victoria knows about.”
I swallowed.
Rachel continued. “The one that has all of your requirements for a wife on it.” Her gaze had me pinned to the back of my chair. I tried to lean away from her, but nothing budged.
Shane cleared his throat. “So it’s real?”
I blinked at Rachel, then at him. These two were my best friends, and I’d never told them about the list. I’d never told anyone, not even Courtney.
“Shane?” Rachel asked.
This wasn’t going to be pretty. I took a deep breath and prepared to be chewed out by two of the three people I cared about most in this world. “It’s real.”
Rachel held out her hand.
I shook my head. “How did you find out about it. I’ve never told anyone.”