
Kyle took over. “Is this what sent you over the edge?”

“No.” My own expectations had done that. “But it didn’t help.”

Kyle pointed at William’s phone. “You know you’re all of these things, right?”

“Some of them, sometimes. But not all of them.” I kept my eyes on Kyle instead of looking at the list.

“This is why I brought him.” Kyle jerked his thumb at William. “Tell her.”

William returned his phone to his pocket and clasped his hands together on the table. “Victoria, I don’t know you well, but I spent a great deal of the wedding weekend watching you.”

“Creepy,” I muttered, trying to lighten the mood.

A small smile graced William’s lips. “Perhaps. However, I want to tell you that you’re all of this and more. Logan is a lucky man. If this is really a list of things he’d like in a partner, then he’s found the right woman.”

“Except the loving animals bit,” Kyle pointed out. “Pets really aren’t Victoria’s thing.”

“And whose fault is that?” I grumbled.

Kyle ignored me. “So that means you don’t fit one of a dozen qualifications. He’d be an idiot not to beg you to be with him.”

That brought heat to my cheeks.

Kyle reached out and took my hand. “Vici, I know part of what’s going on with you is a desire to be as good as you can at everything, because you think you need to make up for the way you look, but you need to realize that you don’t need to change. At. All.”

“He’s right,” William added.

My throat twisted, and I couldn’t swallow back the emotions rising from within me.

The words were sweet, and I wanted to totally believe them, but I knew it would be a while before I could. I needed to get over a few things first.

But there was one item on that list that I could try to change about myself.

“Are you listening to us?” Kyle asked.

“Yes,” I said past the lump lodged behind my tongue.

“When is your next therapy appointment?”

“Two days.” Thanksgiving was tomorrow, and I needed to get myself together enough to hang out with my family.

“Good.” Kyle patted my hand and went back to his doughnut. “I expect an update after every one of them, you hear me?”

“Aren’t you going to Greece or something for your honeymoon?” I asked.

Kyle pointed his fork at William. “Remember, I just married money. Our phones will work. And I don’t care what time it is. Text or call me.”


After that, we talked about random things. When we finished eating, Kyle and William put the glasses in the dishwasher, then tied the corners of the tablecloth together like a hobo sack and took it to the dumpster outside.

All in all, I only had to vacuum after they left.

I’d made a decision while we’d been chatting, and I went directly to my computer to call Brooke.

She answered via video after three rings. Dark clouds framed her face “What’s up, darlin’? We’ve been worried about you.”