The therapist had given me several tactics for coping with my ongoing OCD issues. She’d also told me that I should forget about Logan and his list.

I shouldn’t have brought the list up. Now my therapist thought he was a selfish jerk, which he wasn’t.

Over the past four days, I’d figured out that each item was there to protect him in some way. To help him find a woman who would like him for himself and not for his family’s status. A girl who was nothing like the women in his family.

However, that didn’t excuse him from somehow giving the list to Courtney.

It was possible that she’d taken a photo of it when they’d been dating, but I had my suspicions about that. I had a feeling that the line that said the woman couldn’t be rich was there because of her. Seeing Natalie’s wealth had left me reeling. What would it be like to marry into that? I made a mental note to ask Kyle about it in a few months to make sure he was okay.

After I got my breathing under control, I exited my car and headed up the stairs toward my apartment. When I made the last turn before my door, I stopped.

Two men stood in the hallway. They could only be waiting for me. Kyle, who was back to his normal jeans and T-shirt attire, leaned against the wall looking at his phone. That made sense. He’d known that I had a therapy appointment this morning, and while I’d expected him to call instead of coming over, I had anticipated contact.

What I didn’t understand was why William was here. He wore the same style button-down shirt and slacks combo he had throughout the wedding and was also studying his phone.

The two of them looked like polar opposites with Kyle’s tousled hair, which I itched to tame, and William’s perfectly-combed style.

I’d never appreciated William more than I did right then. I thought I’d be better after the first appointment, but the therapist had dragged me through some dark places in my mind, and the urge to paint the scratches on the walls had never been more powerful.

William looked up first. His eyebrows furrowed together as he dropped his phone into his pocket. I was still confused as to why he was here and was surprised at the worried expression on his face.

Kyle noticed the movement, turned his head, saw me, and pushed himself off the wall. “Hey, Cuz.”

“Hey.” I kept my voice light and focused on William’s immaculate appearance instead of looking at Kyle. “What are you guys doing here?”

Kyle reached down and plucked a bag that I hadn’t seen off the floor. “We brought pastries.”

While I loved pastries, I could only think about how messy they would be. I frowned at him.

“I’m joking.” He held his free hand up as I approached. “They’re cake doughnuts, and I have forks and plates.”

That brought a smile to my lips. “You remembered.”


The first time I’d seen Kyle after Duncan and I had broken up, he’d come bearing a bag full of day-old bear claws and other treats. We’d eaten them, and little bits of flaky goodness had gone everywhere. I’d totally freaked out and made him help me clean up every single crumb.

I gave Kyle an appreciative smile, then my eyes darted to William and back to Kyle.

Kyle jerked his head in William’s direction. “He’s got something to tell you.”

A lump formed in my throat. What could be important enough for him to be here today?

“It’s legit, I promise.” Kyle waved me to my door. “Trust me.”

He was about the only person I trusted right now, so I let out a snort, unlocked my apartment, and walked inside.

The place had been scrubbed to within an inch of its life. The kitchen table practically shimmered when I turned the lights on. Even my work desk was free of the smallest speck of dust, not to mention the shower, which probably hadn’t been this sanitary when it had been installed.

Kyle let out a whistle. “Wanna come clean my place before you feel better?”

He was the only person who could joke about this. I glared at him. “Don’t you and Natalie have people for that now?”

A blush crawled up his neck. “I guess we do.”

“No cleaning service does this good of a job,” William said.

Kyle walked to the table while I put my purse down. He pulled out a plastic tablecloth, and he and William spread it out.