She could be out with her parents. She’d talked about maybe catching a ride home with them after the wedding.
Or she could be asleep. The couch at the hotel was comfortable, but nothing like someone’s own bed.
I’d expected a smart remark, or at least a “Hey,” not a formal “Hello.” “Hey, beautiful, how was your day?”
“Uh, good.”
I could hear the clicking of a keyboard in the background. “Are you working?”
“I am. Sorry. Just a second. Let me finish this line of code.”
I ate a fry, noting that they weren’t bad but not as good as at the Crazy Moose. As promised, a few seconds later, the typing stopped.
“How was your trip? Are you home?” Victoria asked.
“I’m in Anchorage waiting for my puddle jumper.”
“Any old ladies trying to keep you from getting down the hall this time?”
“Not this time.”
I put down a fry and licked my lips. “Hey, so I was looking at my schedule, and if you’re up for it, I found a way we could meet in Juneau in eleven days.” I figured she’d like the inclusion of how many days it would be until we saw each other again.
“You—you did?” Her voice lacked excitement. I probably should have texted her the idea first.
“Sure did. Can you come?” I told her the actual dates.
I’d expected a pause as she checked her calendar, but it went on so long that I swallowed hard and looked around, sure everyone near me was watching. Judging. Wondering if this woman was about to dump me.
Where had that come from?
Courtney, that’s where. The effects of the end of our relationship were going to be with me for a while longer. I couldn’t handle the silence, so I said, “Victoria?”
“I’m here.” Her voice shook.
“Are you crying?” My heart stopped beating.
“Logan, I—I can’t meet you on those days.”
I swallowed back my fear and blinked a few times.
She’s never said she loved you.
Just like Courtney.
I ignored the voice in my head and spoke aloud. “Okay. That’s fine. We can look at some other days.”
Another pause. My palms started to sweat, and I closed my eyes and begged her not to say we were finished. If she did, I’d be in the same boat I was with Courtney?one hundred percent in love and out in the cold.
“Logan, there’s something I need to work out before I can see you again.” Her voice was small. Fragile.
I spoke softly so I wouldn’t shatter it. “Okay.”