Not to mention all of the wild animals that lived in the woods.

Kyle went on. “When the two of us realized we both lived in Oakland, we decided to get together to work out.”

I chuckled.

Kyle pointed at me and spoke to Natalie. “I told you that Victoria was the one person who helped me with my body transformation.”

Natalie nodded.

“No one else took me seriously, but she worked with me to find an exercise regime that wouldn’t kill my overweight, fourteen-year-old self and came with me every day to work out.”

I held up a finger. “I came as moral support.”

“You used to walk on the treadmill,” Kyle said.

“Duh, so I could watch all of the guys in the weight area.”

Kyle beamed at me but spoke to Natalie again. “Victoria is the reason I’m the awesome person I am today.”

Natalie smiled. “Then I owe you.”

No one owed me anything. Kyle had stood between me and all the mean girls in high school until I found my own confidence. We were even. “How did he convince you that he wasn’t a total dork?” I asked Natalie.

She tapped her chin with a manicured nail. “Well, I got to see his serious side first. He made sure everyone from his boat was safe and going in the right direction before his nerd took over. Honestly, if not for that, I might have ignored him, because then he started a sing-along for everyone floating in the water.”

“Sounds pretty normal,” I said.

Kyle grinned. “Victoria here is the one who almost got us arrested for cow tipping.”

“I did not!” I jabbed a finger toward him. “You were the one pushing cows over.”

“And you’re the one who screamed so loud that you woke the rancher up.” He looked at Natalie. “The house was a hundred yards away.”

“That animal tried to eat me.” The memory made me want to shiver. Sure, cows looked harmless?until they charged.

“I think it was licking you,” Kyle said.

“That’s not better.”

Kyle laughed again. “Victoria doesn’t like animals much.”

“And who’s fault is that?” I asked.

Natalie raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to speak, but Martina appeared.

Saved by the food.

After Martina left and we had all had a few bites, Kyle cleared his throat.

The last time Kyle had made that particular noise had been to tell me he was headed to China for six months for a work thing.

I steeled myself.

They were already engaged. They had to be. I commanded myself to breathe, smile, and be ready for anything.

Kyle wiped his mouth and took Natalie’s hand. “Vici, you’re the first person I wanted to tell.” He paused, and I picked up a fork so I had something to squeeze. “Natalie and I are getting married.”

This is fine. You’re an adult. You can handle this.