"We've installed systems that monitor vital signs, behavioral patterns, and potential threats," I elaborate. "The moment anyone's intentions turn violent, countermeasures activate automatically."

"What kind of countermeasures?" Zander asks, genuine curiosity coloring his tone.

"The kind that make three hours hanging upside down in a sewer seem like a luxury spa treatment," Hannah says with the ghost of a smile.

The room falls quiet as they process this information. Even Eva seems to sense the shift in atmosphere, curling closer to Zander in her sleep.

"You really have thought of everything," Ren observes, something like respect creeping into his voice.

"No," I correct him again, glancing at Hannah. "We've thought of everything that could go wrong, and then prepared for things going wrong in ways we haven't thought of yet."

"Paranoia as an art form," Marcus muses, his scientific mind clearly appreciating the layers of preparation.

"When dealing with six psychologically complex individuals, three of whom have confirmed multiple personalities, paranoia is simply good planning," Hannah notes practically.

"And Eva?" Ares asks quietly. "How do we protect her in all this?"

The question hangs heavy in the air, reminding us all of why we're really here. Everything – the empire restoration, the security measures, the carefully laid plans – it all comes down to protecting our Queen.

"Eva," I say carefully, watching her sleep peacefully for perhaps the last time in a while, "is both our greatest strength and our most vulnerable point. Which is exactly why Domino's role is so crucial."

"You're going to use his obsession with her," Zander realizes, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Channel it somehow."

"The most dangerous weapon is often the one pointed at your own chest," I confirm. "Domino's fixation on Eva can either destroy us or become our greatest asset. It all depends on how we direct it."

"And the treatment he's receiving?" Marcus asks, medical interest clearly piqued.

"Is genuine," I assure them. "But also carefully monitored and adjusted to serve our purposes. The same way his rehabilitation will be both real and... guided."

"Toward what end?" Ren questions, clearly still skeptical.

"Toward creating the perfect storm," Hannah answers for me. "Where obsession meets vengeance, and everything we've built finally comes to fruition."

The rain continues its steady pattern against the windows as my brothers process these revelations. Each of them broken in their own ways, yet united in their devotion to our sleeping Queen.

"So we just... trust your plan?" Ares asks finally.

"No," I say softly, watching Eva shift slightly in her sleep. "You trust that everything I've done – everything I will do – serves one purpose only: protecting what's precious to all of us."

The silence that follows carries weight – the weight of brotherhoods forged in darkness, of loyalties tested by fire, of obsessions that will either save or damn us all.

"The security system uses state-of-the-art technology," I continue, watching my brothers' reactions carefully. "Equipment that hasn't even been released to the general publicor celebrity market. Hannah and my security team will maintain complete control."

"It's completely unhackable," I add, then pause to fix Zander with a pointed look. "Don't try it."

His answering smirk suggests he's already planning ways to test that claim, but I continue. "The entire system was designed specifically for our unique situation, with particular emphasis on protecting Sweet Precious Gem."

"I'm probably going to need a complete rundown on this whole ruthless society thing," Ren interjects, running a hand through his teal-streaked hair. "Though I do come with some useful perks, being the police chief's son and all."

"We should spread that around," Ares suggests with a predatory smile. "Might keep people on their best behavior."

Marcus frowns thoughtfully. "Won't that draw unwanted attention? Get your father involved?"

Ren's laugh holds genuine amusement. "Who do you think signs off on those suspiciously large bonus checks officers get at year's end?" His grin turns sharp. "Here's a hint – it's not coming from government coffers."

None of us look particularly surprised by this revelation. Corruption is as natural as breathing in our world.

"Dad couldn't care less what I do," Ren continues with a casual shrug, "as long as I don't end up arrested for something stupid. Like getting caught fucking a girl in the woods or something."