To standing in this room with these broken men who love our Queen in their own dangerous ways.
Empire's Return
A soft knock at the door breaks through the heavy atmosphere. Ares immediately tenses, his perfect posture becoming rigid with potential violence.
"That better not be Domino," he growls, "or we're going to have problems."
I can't help the smirk that crosses my face at his protective instinct. "It's just Hannah," I say, recognizing the particular pattern of her knock. As if on cue, the door opens silently, revealing my most trusted associate.
Hannah enters with her usual efficient grace, closing the door with barely a sound. She bows slightly in greeting, her expression carefully neutral as she surveys the room's occupants.
"Domino won't be joining us until classes resume at Leighton," she announces without preamble, her voice carrying just a hint of satisfaction.
The statement catches everyone off guard. Even Zander, usually so controlled, shows genuine surprise.
"He's agreed to check into rehabilitation," I explain, watching their reactions carefully. "There's a facility specializing in electroshock therapy that may help slow the progression of his multi-personality disorder."
"What did you do?" Marcus asks, clearly stunned. "To make him agree to that?"
"We had a conversation," I say simply, though I can't quite hide my own satisfaction. "He found my arguments... persuasive."
Zander's laugh carries genuine amusement as he looks at Hannah. "And what else did our ruthless brother do to encourage such cooperation?"
Hannah's face remains perfectly blank as she responds, "He also had him suspended upside down in a sewer for three hours until oxygen deprivation nearly caused permanent brain damage." She pauses delicately. "But those are unnecessary details."
Ren's jaw drops in shock while Ares lets out a surprised snicker. Marcus just stares, clearly trying to reconcile this revelation with his understanding of my character.
Hannah moves across the room to where Marcus stands, producing a thick folder of documents from her briefcase. He takes them with obvious confusion, looking between her and me with questions in his eyes.
"What are these?"
"Official transfer papers for the Wright Foundation and Empire," I state calmly, watching comprehension slowly dawn on his face. "Everything is now legally returned to your name."
The silence that follows is absolute. Even Eva seems to grow more still in her sleep, as if sensing the magnitude of what's just been revealed.
"I don't understand," Marcus finally manages, his voice barely above a whisper. "How... when did you...?"
Hannah returns to my side, her presence steady and reassuring. "Mr. Leighton has been investigating your circumstances since your arrival at the university," she explains with professional detachment. "He decided to take definitive action after you saved Sweet Precious Gem during the training incident."
"You needed to be properly rewarded," I add, remembering how Marcus had stepped in when Eva's condition deteriorated. "During my investigation, I discovered your family's empire had been acquired by Wright's. It seemed..." I choose my words carefully, "inefficient. A health-related foundation being run by people with no real understanding of medical science."
"It was a waste of resources," Hannah continues smoothly. "Especially when the rightful heir has not only extensive research experience but has already rebuilt a foundation conducting similar treatments. Returning what was taken allows for expansion to the next level of development."
"This benefits the Leighton empire as well," I explain, seeing the questions still swimming in Marcus's eyes. "Particularly given that this multi-personality disorder will likely manifest in me eventually, as it has in Domino."
Marcus's hands shake slightly as he opens the folder, scanning documents that restore his birthright. "You bought back my family's empire," he says slowly, as if testing the words. "Just like that?"
"Actually," Hannah interjects, "he threatened, blackmailed, and in some cases physically persuaded the current board members to relinquish their illegally obtained positions. The buying part was merely a formality to make everything appear legitimate on paper."
Ren lets out a low whistle. "Remind me never to get on your bad side, Matteo."
"The same board members who helped Domino steal it from you originally," I continue, ignoring Ren's comment. "It seemed fitting they should be the ones to return it."
"With significant financial penalties," Hannah adds with the ghost of a smile. "And several rather creative non-disclosure agreements regarding their involvement in the original acquisition."
Marcus looks up from the papers, his expression a complex mixture of emotions. "Why?" he asks simply. "Why go to all this trouble for me?"