"Stage three and climbing," she says with forced lightness, though I catch the slight tremor in her hands. "Turns out failingto complete assigned tasks comes with steeper penalties than anyone warned me about."

Understanding dawns as I remember Eva's words about Scarlett being punished for not bringing Domino in line. About this being a demonstration of exactly what happens when you don't follow orders.

"The doctors seem impressed though," she continues, a ghost of her usual smirk playing at her lips. "Say they've never seen cancer progress quite like this. Almost like it's following some kind of pattern..."

"Engineered," I say softly, watching how she leans more heavily against the trailer. "Designed specifically for you."

"Got it in one." She attempts a casual shrug that doesn't quite hide her wince. "Apparently I'm quite the successful test case. Setting all kinds of records for progression rates and symptom manifestation."

The bitterness in her voice makes my hands clench. Because this isn't just illness - this is calculated cruelty. Watching someone waste away while knowing it's punishment for stepping out of line.

"Marcus is working on it," I say, though the words feel hollow even to me. "Trying to understand how they're doing this, how to counter it."

Her laugh holds no humor. "Your brilliant King better work fast then. Because from what I hear, I'm just the prototype. The test run for whatever they're planning next."

Ice floods my veins as her meaning sinks in. Because Domino's collapsed and now in surgery right now, fighting whatever carefully engineered poison was designed for him.

Who else has been marked? Who else is carrying diseases specifically tailored to destroy them?

"Why are you here, Scarlett?" I ask quietly, studying how she maintains perfect posture despite obvious exhaustion. "Why tell me this?"

She's quiet for a long moment, something vulnerable flickering across her features before her usual mask slots back into place. "Because someone needs to understand what's really happening. What these 'mysterious illnesses' spreading through campus actually mean."

"And you think I'm the right person for that information?"

"I think," she says carefully, "that you're one of the few people who might actually be able to do something about it. You and your Kings - you're not bound by the same rules and expectations as the rest of us."

"What do you mean?"

Her smile turns sharp, though exhaustion shows clearly in her eyes. "You haven't noticed? How your little family keeps breaking all the careful hierarchies our world is built on? Six Kings instead of three, a Queen who refuses to play by traditional rules, alliances that shouldn't be possible..."

Understanding dawns as I process her words. Because she's right - we've been systematically dismantling the carefully maintained power structures that have defined our world for generations.

"That's why they're targeting us," I realize, pieces clicking into place. "Why they're using these engineered diseases to maintain control. Because we're proving the old systems aren't as absolute as everyone believed."

"Got it in one again," she confirms, though speaking seems to cost her more energy now. "You're dangerous - all of you. Not just because of your individual power, but because you're showing others that change is possible. That the traditional hierarchies aren't as unbreakable as we've been taught."

"And The Blinded One can't have that," I say softly, watching how she struggles to maintain her composure. "Can't let anyone challenge the careful systems of control he's built."

"Exactly." She pushes off from the trailer with careful grace that doesn't quite hide how her legs shake. "So maybe keep that in mind while you're all trying to figure out why people keep getting mysteriously ill. Why some of us are being made into examples of what happens when you step out of line."

The implications of her words settle over me like a physical weight. Because this isn't just about individual punishment anymore - this is about maintaining control through carefully engineered fear.

"Be careful, Ares," she says softly, already turning to leave. "Watch your Kings, protect your Queen. Because whatever's happening with Domino right now? It's just the beginning."

"Scarlett." My voice makes her pause. "Let us help you. Marcus might be able to-"

"It's too late for that," she cuts in, though something like gratitude flickers in her expression. "I'm already marked. Already serving my purpose as a warning to others. But maybe..." She trails off, swallowing hard. "Maybe you can make sure I'm the last one. The last example they get to make before someone finally breaks their power over all of us."

Before I can respond, she's moving away with careful steps that speak of someone conserving every ounce of energy. Her red coat stands out against the darkness like a wound, like a warning, like everything we're all trying so desperately to survive.

"It's too late for that," she cuts in, though something like gratitude flickers in her expression. "I'm already marked. Already serving my purpose as a warning to others. But maybe..." She trails off, swallowing hard. "Maybe you can makesure I'm the last one. The last example they get to make before someone finally breaks their power over all of us."

Before I can respond, she's moving away with careful steps that speak of someone conserving every ounce of energy. Her red coat stands out against the darkness like a wound, like a warning, like everything we're all trying so desperately to survive.

But something's wrong. Her steps falter, becoming more unsteady with each passing moment. I watch in horror as her knees buckle, her body crumpling toward the asphalt like a marionette with cut strings.

"Shit!" The curse tears from my throat as I sprint forward, barely catching her before she hits the ground. The impact sends us both to our knees, her weight settling against my chest as I try to support her.