"Exactly." Sia's expression turns grimmer. "But it's not just cancer. It's... everything. Seizures in people with no history of them. Organ failure in perfectly healthy athletes. Blood disorders appearing overnight."
A chill runs down my spine as I process this. "And it's happening across all three universities?"
"All of them," Ishya confirms. "But the patterns are different. Like whoever's doing this is... experimenting. Testing different methods on different populations."
"Scarlett said something about that," I say carefully, watching their reactions. "About being given her condition as punishment for failing to do something with Domino."
Another loaded look passes between them before Sia speaks: "She's not the only one. There are whispers about others who failed certain... assignments. Who didn't follow through on specific tasks."
"What kind of tasks?"
"The kind that usually end in death," Ishya says quietly. "But apparently that's too merciful now. Too quick. This new method..." she trails off, shuddering slightly.
"They make you watch," Sia picks up where Ishya left off. "Watch someone you care about waste away, knowing it's your fault. Knowing you could have prevented it if you'd just followed orders."
The implications make my blood run cold. Because this isn't just about power anymore – this is about psychological warfare on a level I hadn't considered possible.
"But who has that kind of capability?" I ask, though part of me already knows the answer. "Who could develop something like that?"
"The Blind One," they say simultaneously, then look at each other in surprise.
"You know about him?" Ishya asks Sia, who nods grimly.
"My Lords mentioned him. Said he's behind most of the new 'punishment protocols' being implemented."
I think about what Hannah told me, about deals and prices and collection dates. About Domino's growing fear as whatever deadline he faces approaches.
"What exactly do you know about him?" I press, watching them carefully. "About what he's capable of?"
Sia shifts uncomfortably. "Not much. Just that he's somehow connected to all three universities. That he can create diseases tailored to specific individuals. That his prices are always steeper than anyone expects."
"And that he always collects," Ishya adds softly. "Always. Even if it takes years, even if you think you've escaped – he finds a way to make you pay whatever you owe."
The weight of their words settles over us like a physical thing, making the festive decorations seem almost mocking in their cheerfulness. Because how do you celebrate holidays when there's something this dark spreading through your world?
"There's more though," Sia continues after a moment. "The timing of all this... it's not random. All these new cases, all these 'experiments' – they're building to something."
"The event after New Year's," I say, understanding dawning. "That's why everyone's so insistent it happens, even with all this chaos."
Ishya nods slowly. "It's like... a demonstration maybe? A way to show what happens to those who don't fall in line with whatever new order is being established."
"Or a way to gather all the players in one place," Sia suggests darkly. "To make some kind of point we probably won't enjoy learning."
I think about my Kings – about Matteo's careful planning, Zander's increased surveillance, Ares's public facade hiding deeper concerns. Marcus has been stuck at the lab day and night, saying he’s been trying to find a way to slow the progression of Scarlett’s Cancer which despite treatment has moved onto stage III. Then there’s Ren being called in by his Dad to help because there’s been such a spike in crime that the police department is overwhelmed. I try not to think about it because despite assassins and police work being so similar in very instances, I feel Ren’s at greater risk of getting hurt as an officer then as me slaying criminals as an assassin.
Even Domino seems more haunted lately, like he's counting down to something inevitable.
"We need to be ready," I say finally, meeting both their gazes. "Whatever's coming... we need to be prepared."
"How do you prepare for something like this?" Ishya asks, real fear creeping into her voice. "How do you fight an enemy who can literally design diseases to destroy you?"
"We work together," I say firmly, surprising all of us with my conviction. "No more playing by their rules, no more accepting these twisted games as normal." I lean forward, mind already racing with possibilities. "The real question is confirming the verdict and how we can contradict whatever this is. Obviously, bringing it up to the heads of each University could help?"
Sia's laugh carries no humor. "And tell them what exactly? That someone's weaponizing disease for fun and profit?"
"We'd need proof," Ishya adds, her accent thickening with frustration. "Real patterns, documented evidence that everything is connected. Right now all we have are whispers and coincidences."
The sound of the door opening makes us all tense, but it's Hannah who steps through – and the sight of her makes me do a double-take. She's wearing the Leighton University uniform, the sight so jarring I have to blink several times to make sure I'm not hallucinating.