“Just because you now understand my viewpoint doesn’t make the neglectful behavior valid.”

I’m surprised she’s willing to admit that, especially in her circumstances.

“You were the very first Ruthless Maiden,” I decide to acknowledge because I wish to get as much as I can with the limited amount of time given. Sure, knowing my duties as a Ruthless Maiden for the coming set of months is a priority, but I can get that information a lot easier on my own than discovering my mother’s past. “And Ruthless Queen since you made it to the end. From what I’ve experienced dealing with my set of Ruthless Kings, I can’t fathom how hard it was for you with Prescott and Leighton.”

She tries to blink away her tears, but the first set falls down her slightly flushed cheeks while she tries to smile comfortingly.

“Leighton, Prescott, and Joaquin.”

I frown as I slowly tilt my head.

“Joaquin?” Seeing the older gentleman and how he executed power on the stage during our moment of reign gave the impression he was indeed a very important asset in our society, but his being connected to my mother is odd to me.

A maid in all white comes to lay tea, biscuits, and other finger food that isn’t much of a hassle to munch on.

“Can you ensure we are uninterrupted for the next fifteen minutes, Delilah?” Mother requests.

“Most certainly, Iva,” she responds with a beaming smile before she bows in respect to the both of us. “Please enjoy the tea and munchies.”

When she leaves, Mother looks at the food.

“You’ve also lost a significant amount of weight,” she notes and pushes her plate of crackers, cheese, fruits, and various meats my way. “Those men are not ensuring you’re fed.” She seems upset by that small tidbit from how she frowns at the vocalized idea.

“Zander and Warren do,” I try to defend them. “I mean Zander always makes sure I’m eating snacks and such. Warren…well, Aries also tries to pack me lunches. Ares isn’t the type to worry too much about me unless I show signs of fatigue, and Domino… well…” I want to laugh at the mere idea of that man giving a shit about me.

If he ever did.

“He probably wished for me to perish this whole while,” I conclude.

“I don’t agree with that,” she admits as she reaches for her cup of tea. “I believe he original may have had good intentions for you, but that’s the problem with Domino. He’s easily manipulated and used in favor of whoever wishes to benefit from his lack of resilience.”

I want to argue with her, but then again, she may be the wiser one in this case.

If I had an argument worthy enough to defend this man, I wouldn’t have been in that predicament on the ice to begin with.

“Like father, like son,” she whispers the words and takes a sip of her Earl Grey tea. “Leighton was the same for the longest time. So easily conned to believe this and that. It took me dying for him to realize what a fool he was.”

I still at the mention of death, the tiny brick of cheese mere inches from my parted lips.

“What?” I need a few seconds to look at her. “You almost died?”

“Multiple times.” I don’t like how it’s so easy for her to state that. “That’s honestly the ultimate risk of being a Ruthless Maiden. You have more immunity once you’ve ascended to Queen status, but we all know that is rather tricky to achieve.”

“Why do the guys use such ranks interchangeably when it sounds like Ruthless Queen is obtained at the end at graduation?” I question.

“Because sometimes, depending on the circumstances and events each school term, you may be deemed the benefits of a Ruthless Queen,” she reveals. “Say if you’re going to a conference outside Leighton. You wouldn’t be deemed solely a ‘Maiden’ to the outside world. You have to be viewed by the public as a notable royal. One worthy of respect and complete submission to the commoners beneath you and the Kings you serve. You will be deemed a Queen to them and be given utmost service.

“Those are some of the beneficial situations where Queen status plays a vital role. It’s done to teach the Kings the importance of grooming and pleasing their Maiden in a way that will make them appear powerful. It teaches the Maiden that there are immense benefits for withstanding the madness these Kings put you through. A teaching point for both parties, but it doesn’t make it easy in the slightest.”

“Easier said than done,” I conclude. “But if you risk getting killed…”

“It’s a risk every Maiden has to take,” she affirms. “It’s why those who can’t defend themselves properly perish rather quickly,” she reveals.

I look at her for a full minute, trying to imagine her slim build being a cunning fighter and killing even one person.

Can’t envision it at all.

“Let me guess. I look like a pushover,” she concludes with a smile.