“Whoever you wish, my queen.”

Ash’ren was a crumpled mess, leaning against the bedpost like his body was too heavy. His hands were in fists on his knees. One twitched in the direction of his cock, but a sharp look by hisqueenmade it ball up tighter.

His lips twitched like he was going to speak.

“Oh? Do you have a request? You have been so very good.”

I set the jeweled plug back in the drawer and turned to approach my obedient demon, who kept still as a statue. I dropped to my knees between his legs and held his gaze as I fished out his cock and discarded his trousers. Trailing fingernails up his ankles, calves, thighs, I didn’t touch his cock but for the whisper of a kiss to the soft skin below its weeping tip.

“I want Marshmallow.”

I froze. I searched his face a moment, pausing our filthy game. This, as in all things, was love first and fun second. Taking care of each other’s heart was more important than a good time.

“Are you sure? Won’t it be. . . I mean, we usually work up to that.”

Ash’ren shook his head once, hard. He reached for my face and I pressed my cheek into his hand.

“I want—fuck, it sounds ridiculous, but I need it.”

“Not ridiculous at all, my love.” I kissed his palm, then allowed my playful side back in charge. “Give me your wrists, naughty one.”

I took the void-black rope from the bedpost and tested it. The hint of a smirk graced his features as it grew to accommodate my needs. Using his magic to let me bind his wrists before wrapping them back around the wooden post, high enough that his arms dangled. I watched my brave suitor in the mirror as I returned to the vanity and retrieved our beloved flogger.



Ineeded to see it in her grasp. Needed the only person in this damned world I trusted to be in total control of my pleasure, and pain.

Firefly wielded the instrument beautifully, like a queen about to punish her most loyal subject with pleasure. The flogger was affectionately namedMarshmallowfor the fluffy white strands interspersed with leather, all enchanted by a Landen naturist to never lose its luster.

My sanity was as intact as ever, for as much as that was worth. The sight of her above me, cunt bare and red under a sheen of slick, had my cock dribbling all over itself.

“Do you remember the nonverbal cue?” Searra asked, sauntering toward me, toying with the strands lazily. I nodded and demonstrated by stomping my right foot two times. “And the phrase?”


“Good boy.”

“Fuuuuuck, Firefly, I am gonna knot you so fucking hard after this.”

Every voids-damned time she called me that made my knot burn. I would be anything for her, despite how mywrists struggled against the restraint of my own fucking magic. Submitting to Searra was as primal an instinct as rooting a baby inside her. It was letting go of all the bullshit from the day. Releasing my desperate hold on control. Like giving up for a little while and trusting that my Firefly would take care of me.

“That’s no way to speak to your queen, naughty little demon.”

I was not little. We both knew that. I was an uncivilized brute, but she ran her hands along my muscles with such gentle care that I could breathe easier, and I would be her little demon for a little while.

Searra trailed soft kisses down the column of my throat, across my broad chest, then further down my abdomen. She settled between my legs, which she spread wide, and eased my knees straight on the floor. With every kiss she placed lower and lower, her ass stuck higher in the air. My balls tightened, eager to send scalding batches of come into any hole she proffered.

So. Fucking. Perfect.

I licked my lips. Fucking fuck, how I wanted to reach out and grab that protruding ass and slam her forward until she fell face first on my cock. I could hear her sweet little gagging sounds now, imagine how they’d force my load down her throat before she was ready. But I’d been commanded to be still.

Marshmallow sat patiently beside us while Searra warmed every inch of my exposed flesh with her hands and lips, each touch sending lightning bolts to my neglected cock. She reached my thighs, massaging and kissing them as she peered at me askance, part of her face obscured by my aching cock and throbbing knot. It bobbed with her movements, sometimes tapping the side of her face or kissing a little strand of wetness on her forehead.

She slid onto her belly, her feet kicking playfully in the air like she was some innocent thing and not my sex-crazedmistress doling out punishment. Then she goes to fucking town on my sac, feasting on each ball with such fervor that my vision tunnels and my cocktip steadily dripped over her face.
