“You may call her the Bone-Blessed, as her title demands,” my intended snapped.
Charkam cast his fire-crested gaze downward and bowed again. “Bone-Blessed,” he all but spat. The satisfactory bristle down my spine made me think, perhaps I didn’t mind the title after all. “I fear the council will not abide this match. We’ve let you play your little game for months now, but—”
“I’m well aware of the council’s concerns, and I shall hear them out in our private meeting. However, I will not change my mind.” I turned to the throng of nobles, some glaring but all staring at my hand clasped in Ash’ren’s. “A celebratory feast has been prepared. Let us not dishonor the lovely Tor'cha’s hard work. Dig in!”
When the clatter of silverware broke the tension, I glanced down at the Charkam, holding his position until permitted tostand. He’d never shown such deference, not until this moment, when I’d overridden my father’s wishes so boldly. Not to mention, holding the hand of the oh-so-terrifying Ash Render.
“Enjoy the feast, Charkam. You may rise.”
It was customary for the councilors to make eye contact with deference and gratitude when commanded to rise before their monarch, but I turned away before he could lift his. His heat bristled the air at my back, and I smirked at the councilor’s discomfort. This power didn’t feel so bad after all.
“Quite a show, love bug.”
Ash’ren’s voice was scratchy, as though he’d swallowed a candied coal. I cast him a sideways grin. The adoration on his face looped around my neck, causing me to choke on any jest I might’ve countered with. He gazed at me like I was the only thing in the room.
“You are the only sun in Hell. You are my life-giving light. You are the rays that illuminate the moon at night. That’s why you’re my Firefly.”
“A firefly is a bug. You’re calling me a bug?”
“With the shiniest ass in Fyre.”
Some strange noise rose from my throat at the memory. I blinked it away, and when I opened my eyes, Ash’ren surrounded me. His rich, masculine musk with a hint of clove filled my nostrils. He tilted my chin until my head was tipped back. We shared a few breaths, so close,so close. My hand came to rest on his chest, his circling to press against the small of my back—
A well-timed sneeze splintered the moment. The hushed room watched their heretic, rule-breaking queen express a rather serious public display in front of the whole court.
I cleared my throat and gestured to our respective thrones, his made of stone and mine made of bones and expectations, both lined with plush leather. Ash’ren turned his farts-munchinggrin onto the crowd as he settled his tight little rear and flaming rings, he looked damn good in that high-backed seat. All he was missing was a crown and me in his lap.
“Well?” Ash’ren’s teasing tone pulled me from another trance, and I realized I was standing there gawking at him. “You announce our courtship and then leave me to eat alone?”
I rolled my eyes and sat on the extravagant Bone Throne. It was going to be hard to be around him and also keep the straight, unflinching expression I’d been told was the only way for a queen to be. Sorry, Filaris.
“Open your platter.”
“Yes, Your Majesty, the Firefly Queen.”
I swatted his arm, another slip of my facade that I quickly covered by slamming my hands into my lap—then re-corrected myself and laid my hand on his wrist and left it there. Ash’ren noted the movement with typical smugness but turned his attention to the dish.
Every Naming feast served the new suitor’s favorite dish, surrounded by symbolic traditional appetizers. Usually, Devil would arrange this with Tor'cha, and it would be the first thing I learned about the person I would share my rooms with for the next year. This time, I’d known exactly what to prepare, for there was no one I knew better than Ash, including myself, these days. I was often a stranger in the mirror. But him? He was Ash. Always. No matter the time difference.
“Well?” I prompted. A black flame leaked from his tear duct. My spine straightened, and I smoothed the cold flame from his cheek. The crowd below us watched, the gossip hussies gorged with things to talk about for weeks. Screw them. I could touch him now, and I would, every chance I got. “What’s wrong? Did I get it wrong?”
He barked out a laugh. His hand was shaking, so minute that only I would notice when he picked up the fork and tooka measured bite of the flame-seared okapi. The roasted game had a crispy lacquered exterior, seared to perfection. When we were kids, I’d snuck him a bite the day of a ceremony I’d been forced to attend. It was one of the very, very few times in my childhood that something from Fyre was allowed past Hell’s borders with salt, though for whatever diplomatic reason I couldn’t remember.
His lids fluttered closed and he chewed, slowly, his shoulders sinking back against the worn leather upholstery. I giggled at the lewd moan that escaped him as he swallowed, his throat bobbing. My core fluttered. I had so many plans for tonight.
“Good then?”
“The flavors. The tenderness.” He winked before shoveling another bite into his mouth. “It’s the second-best thing I plan to taste tonight.”
Oh, fuck. If my core had activated at his pleasurable moans, my pussy came alive to that sentence. The sinful glance he sent me only made it worse. I had to tilt my knees to rub my thighs together without kicking the table. Surely the guests couldn’t hear the friction of my skirts from this far. There was enough scandal going around today.
“Eat up, Queen Glow Worm,” he teased. “You’ll need your energy.” He raised a brow, not slowing the pace of his eating. “Or is it Queenie now?”
“Ew.” Disgust curled my lip. I flicked a piece of corn at him, and he sent a flame up, burning it to ash before it hit his face. I laughed, but some distant piece of my brain recognized that he’d just used fire during dinner. Another morsel of gossip for the masses. The tally was beyond counting now.
We ate until I was full. Then, we switched plates for Ash’ren to clean mine off. When my new suitor sat back, sighing in satisfaction and resting a hand on his belly, I nodded to Fara.Moments later, our plates were cleared. I stood and addressed the room.
“Sir Ash’ren and I will now excuse ourselves to get settled into the new accommodations. Please, feast as long as you like, and keep the lavaberry wine flowing. Good night.”