I don't often prepare to acknowledge defeat, but I'm not too stubborn to know when my efforts were next to none when it comes to the interests of my own kingdom.
The thought of stepping back and allowing Travois to find a way to take my place is a thought that settles in the forefront ofmy mind. As much as it would abash me, sink my pride, I have to think about what would be best for both Lucynda and I.
"Don't do that, Rivian," Troian's tone switches from the light-hearted pitch she shared to a more criticizing tone. "You have not yet failed anyone yet." My sister grabs my elbow and forces my attention. "Many kingdoms have fallen, Rivian. But none have had brave enough leaders to fall with them."
I raise my brows at her statement, trying to dissect her words. I stare straight ahead, somewhat hidden in the shadows where the court lighting isn't focused and distantly listening to the whispers that fill the room.
"Be a leader strong enough to fall with his kingdom. Do not let them fail alone." Her words are strong and virtuous, but in true Troian fashion, her words of inspiration are usually always followed by an aphorism. "Ride it till the wheels fall off."
She pats me on the back and excuses herself to stand off to the side, giving me more time and space to decide how I want to play this. I could cancel, I don't truly owe them an explanation until I'm ready. They'd be annoyed, but they'd get over it. Or I can face this and feel some sliver of satisfaction knowing that I've gotten at least one thing taken care of, allowing me to remain locked in on everything else and I'd deal with any consequences later, if any.
I clear my throat, dust off my suit and walk toward the podium. As soon as I make an appearance, everyone shushes down and the eerie silence crashes against the nerves that have settled in my stomach.
I look out, everyone waiting with bated breath and attentive eyes. I grip the sides of the podium and begin.
"I have not been an altruistic or trustworthy leader to the Society and kingdom of Hollows Trace," I start, making it a point to look out to the faces that stare back at me. No one so much as breathes a new lungful as they wait for me to continue.
"I have led my duty as your king with a selfish quest of my own to fulfill an objective that would ultimately end in the ruin of Hollows Trace and I willingly connived regardless." This time, as I let my words fall from my mouth, a few light gasps can be heard spreading throughout as Nocturnes turn to each other and whisper their likely stigmatizing theories.
I feel a presence approaching behind me. I allow this moment to connect with Troian's eyes before dipping my chin to my chest and slightly looking to my right. The figure behind me is familiar and he takes one step closer, I see that Kacian has decided to join me.
He nods at me and I face forward to continue.
"In this process, my inimical actions led to my blindness of a threat that penetrated our Society in the form of accusation of treason." My people are suddenly jumping from their seats, some shouting their questions while others stress themselves with worry. I have to raise my voice over their interruptions to proceed. "I was presented with information that there is a Rogue loose in-" I can't even get the words out before chaos ensues. Hollers and shouts reach me, confusion morphs on their faces, along with potential fear.
I have to maintain this. I have to create a calm to counteract the storm. So my demand comes in a thunderous shout. "Order!"
Everyone listens to my voice as it roars over their grousing. They find their seats once more and return their attention to me.
"I am going to ask that everyone please remain in order and listen carefully." I clear my throat. "The Rogue has been assumed to come from our Society and has attacked four Outsiders, one non-Royal Nocturne, and one Royal in the confines of Valor Cove." I make a mental note, remembering that two of the four Outsiders were truly of Trav's doing, a confession he made but regardless the facts are as stated.
I look around at the thought of him, wondering where he might be. I told him to stay out of sight while keeping tabs on Zharus—who I know is locked up but where was he before that? Trav would be smart to keep away from this meeting, however. I won't out him as the suspect, but if anyone else figures it out, there will be a call for his head.
"What we know is that King Viktrum has accused our Society of treason. Treason which is punishable by the Faction as they see fit."
"Who is the suspect?" someone shouts from the crowd which avalanches more questions from others, turning to one another and trying to gauge if they can just their neighbors.
"I implore you all to not do anything unwise or minacious. I, as your king, am not convinced that the supposed Rogue has truly derived from Hollows Trace." The dominoed whispers settle down as I try to decide if I'm going to announce the death of Viktrum or not. I don't want to be too hasty and jump the gun on the reveal. That could lead to suspicion that we had something to do with his death—which would be truthful without intention. But I don't want them to feel as if I am holding back any more than necessary.
I ultimately decide it's not the best move to make. I'll make Trav and Kacian aware of the news that was presented to me, and we will come up with a plan to deal with Zharus and Lucynda.
"I can assure you that I am now fully invested in taking action to make sure that whoever is responsible will be handled accordingly. I ask you to please provide any information you might have. Your identity will remain private." I take a breath. I've never hoped for the type of respect that one deserves as a figure of royalty. I only demanded the respect I needed to move forward in my own devices.
I'm unsure of how to surmise this meeting, but I know I need to reestablish some kind of relationship with my people so that trust from them comes easily moving forward. An idea pops into my head that may help with the next step in our agenda—seeing as the King of Valor is dead, and the girls weren't able to find Ameliana. Zharus might be our only hope of finding out what we need to know.
I see a shift in movement out of my peripheral, noticing Troy lean off her stance against the wall. She can tell that I'm about to detour. I straighten my tie and ready myself to readdress the Society.
"To conclude this meeting, I'd like to announce that tomorrow night, the Gilded Hollow will be open for a formal carousal. All you can drink, fully guarded and of course, masks required. I hope to see all of you in attendance." I turn to leave the podium, feeling quite confident in my plans. But before I can make a clean getaway, someone shouts out.
"Where's the queen?" I turn my head to the familiar voice that pierces the air. The sound of shuffling follows as people turn to look at the source of the question as well. A question I had hoped wouldn't be asked.
I see Kacian step up and Troy does as well. I turn to find the one person I haven't thought about even an ounce since I threatened her.
I readjust my demeanor, knowing the wretched woman gives me the fucking shakes and she will do her best to make this harder for me than it needs to be. She stands from her chair and simply stares with her arms crossed. I had rejected her and her jealousy is obviously a factor as I examine her snark and hubris.
"The que-" I attempt to come up with an excuse, not willing to reveal the total truth of Lucynda's condition to everyone. Had she not returned back to her cursed self earlier, she'd bestanding here right by my side. But before I can make up a lie to tell, the answer is spoken for me.