A thought occurs to me. "Does Tryphone know what you did?" I ask. I should have asked immediately following the attack on her mind at the arena. I silently curse my short-sightedness.
Kiera frowns, her bow-shaped lips curling down. "I don't think so." She doesn't sound too sure.
It's Theos who cuts in. "Hecan'tknow," he says, diverting all eyes back to him. "If he knew that Kiera was aware of what the Gods have been doing, he would have sent someone after her, surely." He gestures to Kiera and then to me. "Wouldn't he?" he prompts. "Tryphone isn't just the God King because he's powerful, he's intelligent and he has the God Council on his side."
"I wouldn't be too sure of that," Kiera murmurs absently.
I step closer to her. "Why do you say that?"
Her head lifts and she blinks as if realizing the nearness of our bodies. It takes a moment for her to respond. "Caedmon was on the God Council and he was obviously not in league with Tryphone. He was working against him. I don't like the Gods. They've done too many things to be good to me, but ... maybe they're not all evil. It would be reckless to not consider that other Divine Beings might not agree with Tryphone's rule or what he's doing. Generalizing them all as evil..." She grimaces. "It's hard to admit that any of them could be ignorant or to forgive them even if they are. Ignorance is not an excuse, but not all who benefit from evil are evil themselves. Sometimes, they're just complicit.Weak."
"I don't know what's worse," Regis mutters. "Doing it all knowingly or being so self-absorbed that they don't consider everyone they hurt by being so fucking greedy."
Though I'm still unsure of the mortal, I have to admit that his words reflect my own thoughts.
"Regardless," Kiera says, "there are bound to be Divine Beings not working with the God King. They may not help us even if we find them and inform them of the situation, but ... I wouldn't go so far as to say that the entirety of the God Council is on Tryphone's side. Caedmon wasn't and he can't be the only one."
"We would need to be careful about approaching any of them," I tell her. "I will say that I believe Azai is on the God King's side. He won't be of help."
"That's for damn sure," Theos agrees. "The bastard is likely working on his behalf and has been for years."
It would make sense, I silently acknowledge. After all, what other use would he have for siring three sons so close together? No doubt, he thought he could do a better job in raising us tobe more powerful than the others before shipping us off to the Academy. He was right. My brothers and I are powerful in our own right. If I were Azai, I'd fear my own creations, but knowing the male as I do, I suspect he feels no concern. Azai is far too self-absorbed to consider that his sons might have enough power to kill him.
Distantly the sound of the Academy's bell tolls. The four of us turn towards the window as it shakes under the brunt of the audible calling. "It's time to go," I announce.
Regis nods, turning to Kiera. "I'll find Ophelia," he promises, "and I'll send a crow to you at Ortus when I do."
She reaches for him, grabbing his arm as she fixes a searing look on his face. "Be careful," she orders.
The wry grin he offers in return is all charm and it makes my upper lip curl back as the urge to pound his face into the hard stone wall at his back rushes forward. "I will," he assures her before disappearing out the door.
"Come on," I say, stepping closer to her side even as her eyes remain locked on the closing door. "We should gather our bags and meet everyone else at the arena."
Her eyes lift to mine. "Kalix?"
"He'll meet us there," I assure her. A beat passes and then another. Finally, on the third, she gives a sharp jerk of her head in acknowledgment.
Together, Theos and Kiera move towards the exit, each of them moving out onto the balcony towards the stairs with me at their backs. I watch them go, forcing my steps to move slowly and deliberately.
I consider Azai's ultimatum—to give him information on Kiera or suffer the consequences. His deadline has passed, but obviously something has changed his mind, otherwise he would have acted before now. As I reach the end of the staircase, I look towards the large carved window of our shared quarters. Cloudshover in the near sky, a massive blanket over the Academy. If nature could imply the future, I'd say that it's warning us all to be wary of what may come.
Caedmon is dead.Kiera's words from a week prior echo in my mind for the millionth time.Is he?Though I believe her, it's still hard to imagine how a God capable of such elaborate planning, one that supposedly knows all and is the Father of Prophecy could be killed so easily.
Chapter 4
Wind whistles through the bodies stationed upon the hard pack of sand and dirt underfoot. Despite the natural chill in the air, I feel all too warm pressed against so many. No one has more than a single bag with them, but even more don't have anything at all.The Gods will provide all, or so we've been informed. Even though the Darkhavens know the truth, what I've told them, I feel as if I'm the only one who truly comprehends where we're going.
We're not going to an Academy revered as the first of its kind. We're going to our deaths.
Like frogs sitting in a bowl of water heated over a fire, we have no idea that the longer we stay here, the hotter it will get. Until we're being boiled alive and eaten by those that lord themselves over us.
Gods.That word is a vile reminder of all things evil in my mind.Fucking Gods.
A figure appears on the balcony above us and then more of them, each shadow of a person cropping up several yards from the next. They span outward, circling the stands where the students are crammed on the ground of the arena. Faces bothfamiliar and vague surround us all as they situate themselves in a large circle. It's just one big cage, this arena. It always has been.
A shiver slithers down my spine and I take a step closer to the man at my side. Ruen doesn't hesitate to reach out. His arm closes around my shoulders and drags me closer. "It's going to be okay," he whispers, pressing his lips into the hair at my temple. "We will not be separated."