I grab a goblet from a nearby table and try to hand it to him. Theos' eyes linger on the glass as if it's all he's ever wanted, but then he shakes his head. "I don't think we should?—"

I don't let him finish the refusal he'd been about to give me. I tip the cup up and suck back a mouthful. Unable to help myself, I drink most of the wine before I remember what I'd been planning. As Theos grabs it from me, I keep the last bit of it between my lips and lean up onto my toes. He stiffens as I press my lips to his and then part them.

He immediately opens to accept my silent request and the wine flows from my tongue over his. He swallows. Somewhere in the garden, music begins to swirl around us. Not nearly as sharpand startling as the horns from earlier, but soft strings, plucked and pulled and teased into making the most gentle of melodies.

"It tastes so good," I murmur, stroking his mouth with mine. Back and forth. Back and forth. Hands calloused from swordplay grip my hips and spin me around until my back is shoved against Theos' chest. Kalix hovers over me, black pupils slitted like his snakes’.

My grin only widens. "Do you want some too?" I ask dazedly. Curling one arm back around Theos' neck as my golden Mortal God bends to kiss my bare throat, I reach up and clasp the back of my beautiful monster's head and compel him to lower himself so that I can kiss him too.

I feed Kalix my tongue, letting him have the last of the wine's taste as I lift my hips against his groin. Twin erections strain against me. One from the front and one against my backside. Kalix breaks off the kiss as my head swims from lack of air. The pupils are so narrow that all I can see are the rich, jade green of his irises.

"More." One word, croaked out in a low, desperate tone, but that's all I need.

Reclining against Theos' chest, I snag another goblet from a Terra who appears to have turned to actual stone nearby. A giggle bursts out of me as I lift the goblet to Kalix's lips. He opens for me, tilting his head back even as his green eyes remain locked on me. I pour the liquid and he swallows. Some of the bubbly stream flows over his chin and down his throat to his naked chest.

Unable to help myself, I lean forward and lick up the path. From the center of his pecs to the strong throat, and further up his square cut jawline until our lips meet with a violent clash again. The goblet is peeled from my hand as I reach for Kalix with both hands. Dimly, I realize that it must be Theos downing the last of the wine, but I'm too absorbed to care.

My body tingles with wanton hunger, with a feeling of utter giddiness I've never experienced before. Is this what happiness feels like? True and utter blissful happiness? If so, then it's no lie to say that the Gods have given us a gift this night.

After several more minutes locked in Kalix's arms and embrace, I lift my head from his and glance around. Disoriented and confused, I search for my final Darkhaven. Ruen is nearby, his eyes closed as his body seems to move in time with the melody. A smile steals my confusion away as I lean into Kalix and watch him. The rippling of muscles contract and release, his scars white against his otherwise tan flesh. I bite down on my lower lip as I imagine my mouth on him. Then I realize ... I can do that. These men ... they're mine and no one can take them from me.

With a laugh, I separate from Kalix, much to his disgruntlement. I snag another goblet and shove it into his palm, appeasing him as a stream of the ambrosian liquid is set flowing from a nearby statue's mouth and into a waiting pool. Fountains. How grand. With a silly little smile on my lips and both Theos and Kalix practically rushing for the source of the delicious wine, I drift over to Ruen.

Mortal Gods crush all around us, their own bodies grinding and moving in rhythmic waves. My hands smooth up the flat planes of Ruen's abdomen and up to his pecs. He sucks in a breath before leaning into me. Cool, ocean-dark eyes open. Gone is the constant strain around them. His features, so open and smooth, appear far younger than ever before. I find I like it.

Scraping a nail against a flat male nipple, Ruen's lips part and a moan echoes out. The front of hismors palliumwrapped around his hips shifts as his cock juts out, raising the fabric.

"Dance with me?" I murmur my question, even as I urge him closer with my hands.

Ruen doesn't fight me, his own hands rising to cup my hips. All around us, bodies turn into an array of fuzzy shadows. It's nice. Everyone disappears until it's just Ruen and me. My eyes slide shut as Ruen's hands begin to travel, descending up and down my body, to my waist, and back to my hips. He hauls me closer until there's no part of me not touching him. The scent of ink, parchment, and mint lingers around us.

His cock strains between us and ironically, I realize that the rope around my waist no longer feels as if it's weighing me down. "You offer my brothers your kisses, but not me?" Ruen's whispered question is less envious and more of a challenge. I lift my gaze to his glittering gemstone eyes and grin.

"Shall I offer you something else?" I rise onto my toes and hover my mouth just an inch away from his. His fingers constrict against my sides, thumbs digging into the underside curves of my breasts. Scraping my teeth along his lower lip, I let myself drop back down and relish in his groan of frustration as the cock against my belly throbs beneath his clothes.

Panting, feeling as if my breasts have swollen and my stomach has gone empty, I lean back. How had I ever thought this beautiful gown so revealing? It's far too confining now. Reaching up, I pull at the straps around my chest. My breasts hurt and my nipples are hard.

Ruen wastes no time in helping me. Already, I can hear feminine cries and masculine moans somewhere in the crowd. They must understand this heated need that boils inside me, demanding to be set free. Ruen helps to unlace the straps that bind me, my breasts tumbling free into his waiting hands. I cry out as the moment they're bared, he bends his head and sucks one turgid nipple into his mouth.

Violent urgency surges inside me, spearing up from my core. I can feel wetness oozing down my inner thighs. "Thank the Gods..." I whisper as Ruen moves to my other breast andperforms the same sensual act of drawing the needy bud into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue before gently biting it with his teeth. Thank the Gods Iysa had refused to allow me underwear.

It all makes sense now. The Gods want to cleanse us of our inhibitions. They want to free us from our worries and fears and pains.

A fresh laugh bubbles up out of my chest and I sink my fingers into Ruen's hair, lifting his head and guiding him to meet my lips.

Thank the Gods...

Chapter 22


The night dances around us. The sound of crackling flames and moans drift over the darkened sky. My skin is on fire, melting away at each impossibly painful touch. It’s only painful because it’s just a touch. If they would just give me something else—strip me down and delve into my core—it wouldn’t hurt anymore.

My hand reaches out, gripping the back of Ruen’s head. I hold him to me as I slip my own tongue past his lips. Our bodies come together, grinding, wave after wave of lust swelling up within us. It reminds me of the night I was forced to dress for the Day of Descendance and watch the orgy that took place during the celebration.

Men with men. Women with women. Couples. Threesomes. Foursomes. It doesn’t matter. If there is a hole to be fucked, a cock eventually finds it. This place feels much the same, save for the odd sensation that I’m missing something.

My head reels as Ruen is yanked away from me too suddenly. I sway forward, crying out as his flesh leaves mine. I crave touch. Someone to ease the burning inside my limbs. Then another body steps forward and the heat of the fire raging inside me eases once more. Sunset eyes and golden hair dip in front ofme. My mouth is taken in a rough kiss, harsh hands finding the globes of my breasts and squeezing tightly.