Page 18 of The Dragon King

Her fingers had been still on the armrest for the last few minutes, but they started to tap once again. “I don’t believe you. If your relationship is so deep, then it’s based on trust, loyalty, and love. That means he wouldn’t hesitate to tell you—and he wouldn’t hesitate to believe that you would guard his secret.”

I held her gaze and did my best not to harden my expression.

“Keeping this information to yourself when I granted you asylum in my kingdom undermines your character.”

Talon’s voice came into my head.Your queen is a manipulative liar.“You granted me asylum because you didn’t trust me. Don’t pretend you did it out of the goodness of your heart. I love your forest and I admire your commitment to protecting a race that’s not your kin, so I would never do anything to compromise your kingdom or your people.”

I returned after sunset, bringing him dinner I’d made in my kitchen. I slid the bowl through the bars on the floor then dropped the fork inside it. I also brought a canteen of water, along with some wine.

There was an armchair in the corner, and he sat there, covered in shadows. Fireflies were visible through the window. Some of them came into his cell and hovered there, acting as a beacon in the dark building.

One came close, and then his face was illuminated. The light highlighted his sharp jawline, his bottomless eyes. He stared at me, his ankle resting on the opposite knee, looking like he sat upon a throne rather than an old chair.

“I talked to Queen Eldinar today. Tried to negotiate your release.”

“Don’t waste your time, baby.”

I sat on the floor on the other side of the bars, wishing we weren’t separated by the metal. “How does Khazmuda feel about this?”

He released a slight chuckle. “If he knew, you would know exactly how he felt about it.” He left his chair then joined me on the floor. “He would burn down this forest and everyone inside it.” He sat with a straight spine and took a bite from the bowl. It was a medley of vegetables and I’d tried to make something as hearty as possible, but I knew it wouldn’t satisfy him the way meat would. But he didn’t complain. “Thank you for dinner.”

“I wasn’t sure if they were feeding you.”

“They gave me a bag of seeds like I’m a fucking bird.”

An uncontrollable chuckle escaped. “Another joke?”

“It’s only a joke if I’m kidding.” He took a couple bites then opened the wine I’d provided.

“I’ll get her to release you.”

“She knows she can’t keep me long. I already see her plan.” He spoke in between bites.

“What’s her plan?”

“If Alaric and the dark elves vacate the lands, she’ll release me. If they don’t, they’ll march on this forest. She’ll keep me confined through the battle to ensure I don’t assist Alaric. She wins in any scenario, because if I release myself from this prison, I would have to violate her one rule, and she’ll use that to justify her hatred.”

“Do you think Alaric will come?”

He stared down at his bowl as he finished off the last few bites. “I don’t know. But I can’t leave until I have the location of those dragons, so I’ll wait until I have that answer. Whether there is a great battle…or there is no battle at all.”

“I’ll keep trying to get her to release you.”

“Don’t waste your time, baby.” He grabbed the wine and took a heavy drink.

“I just got you back.” I looked at the bars that separated us, the solid metal that neither one of us could pierce. My bed was supposed to be warm with him beside me. I was supposed to feel smothered by his kisses to my mouth and neck. I was supposed to feel safe when his mountain loomed over my valleys. Once Ihad him in my grasp again, I never wanted to be apart, and then he was ripped right out of my hands. “It’s hard for me.” He might be the cause of all my misery, but he was also my savior, the only man who proved his loyalty, the only man who could protect me from my nightmares.

He set the wine aside as he looked at me. “I’m right here, baby.”

“It’s not the same.” I grabbed on to the bar, cool to the touch.

His hand moved to mine, where it rested against the metal. “Baby, look at me.”

I continued to focus on our joined hands.

He didn’t command me to meet his stare the way he did before. Now, he was gentle, giving me the time to find my courage on my own. His fingers were warm against mine, still strong with undying confidence.

I finally looked at him again.