You’re still asking me to kill other dragons, something I won’t do. Their actions are not their own.
“I don’t want to kill the dragons either. But if the dragons aren’t distracted by their own opponents, they’ll eviscerate us down below. I just need enough time to kill my uncle and slay the dark elves. Once the elves are gone, the dragons will be free.”
Macabre stared at me for a long silence.Even if you presented an unshakable plan, my answer would not change. I feel for the dragons who were conquered by dark magic, but our survival is of the greatest importance. We are still recovering from the Great War the mortals have forgotten because they’re all dead.
I’d expected this, but it was still disappointing. “Dragons don’t die, Macabre. That means they’re enslaved for eternity. A cruelty so unspeakable it hurts just to think about it.” A cruelty I would have to endure myself. “If you choose to remain on this island?—”
You can paint me as a coward all you like, but it won’t change my answer. If this were reversed, I would not expect them to come for me. I would expect them to protect the last line of dragons.
“You would expect them to leave you, but you wouldn’t want them to.”
I’ve given my answer, Talon.
“This island won’t hold you forever. It’s not big enough for creatures your size. Your kin live forever, so if you continue to produce hatchlings, you’ll consume all your natural resources and turn it into a wasteland. You will be forced to leave, and then where will you go?”
By then, we’ll have a much bigger population and, therefore, will be a more formidable adversary. We’ll take whatever lands we wish and burn the humans the way they tried to burn us.
A jolt of rage hit me, but I couldn’t act on it. “So, you only care about yourself.”
He was still as he stared at me.Yes.
“So, you conquer the humans, piss them off, and then one day, they rise up and conquer you. The cycle never ends. I have a better idea. Help us save the dragons of the Southern Isles. Claim the lands that were taken from Constantine. Live in peace by the sea, on more land than you could ever need, alongside your kin whom you saved from damnation.” I was so fucking close but so damn far away. Macabre was the most stubborn dragon I’d ever met. “Please.”
Don’t pretend you care that deeply about the dragons. All you care about is your revenge and your crown?—
“I will not take the crown. As I already told you, I’m not like other humans. I need to avenge my family, but I also need to see the dragons fly free again. My uncle’s actions were not my own,but I feel responsible because I knew he had a ploy up his sleeve—and I didn’t stop it.” Everything that happened was my fault. I didn’t just lose my family, but the dragons lost their entire civilization. All because I didn’t have a damn spine. “The guilt has gnawed at me for decades. I will not find peace until I fix it—all of it. I realize it’s a lot to ask, I do. But I need your help. Khazmuda and Inferno simply aren’t enough to take on all their dragons. Neither is my power over the dead.”
His eyes narrowed.You wield the power of a god.
The God of the Underworld does not share his gifts freely.
“Trust me, it wasn’t free.”
All he did was stare at me.
I warned you my answer wouldn’t change?—
“How can you go about your life after what I just told you? There are a hundred dragons who areenslavedby dark magic. They’re treated like fucking horses. They endure an existence so horrific, they wish for death. And you’re going sit here on your fucking island and watch the sunset? I spoke with King Constantine many times, and he was the bravest and fiercest dragon I ever knew. If he sat where you sit now, he would have agreed to the fight the second he knew others suffered. Because his scales are harder than yours will ever be.”
Queen Eldinar spoke with a warning in her tone. “Talon.”
Macabre stared at me with eyes of smoke.
“I meant what I said.”
Constantine was a king. I am no king.
“You’re right,” I snapped. “You’re a coward. You’re a coward who likes to sit in his cave and eat and mate all day long. You don’t care about the suffering of others when your life is too perfect?—”
“Talon.” Queen Eldinar warned me again.
I ignored her. “But what if Queen Eldinar decided not to help you? What if she left you to your fate while she sat comfortably upon her throne and watched the sunlight flood through the trees? What if she abandoned you the way you’re abandoning your own kind? You would be dead, Macabre. Your head would be mounted on the wall in a fucking museum. I didn’t care for the elves before I met them, but they’re the only race I’ve ever known to care for others as much as they care for themselves. That should inspire you to do the same. You’re a disgrace to your kind?—”
“That’s enough.” Queen Eldinar didn’t raise her voice, but her displeasure was evident. “Talon, you’ve had your opportunity to make your plea to Macabre. It’s time we go our separate ways.”