Page 11 of Vengeful Secret

But when I glance back up at the bar, he’s turned toward the bartender. I don’t see a glass in his hands, and it makes me frown.

“You’re looking at our knight in shining armor,” Rosa teases, and I inwardly groan.

“I’m not looking.”

“It’s okay to look,” Sarah says. “After all, he did just drop a bunch of money on us.”

“We’ve only had a few rounds,” Marisa argues.

“We’re going to have a few more, now,” Rosa insists. “It’s a free ride. I’m ordering some fries.”

“And maybe some wings,” Sarah says excitedly.

Marisa frowns. “We shouldn’t take advantage.”

He has the money,I think, but don’t say. I don’t want my friends knowing that I have any idea who Gray is or why he’s paying for our bill.

I’m struggling not to get up and run out of here, if I’m honest with myself.

Every time I glance up at him, even after we all order food, he’sstaringat me, as intense as always. It stirs pleasure and annoyance all at once, and I’m not sure how to handle it.

Get out.Run.

But I never get to go out without Ciara. I never get to see my friends anymore. And everyone deserves a good time. Even me, right?

Why did he have to intrude in my only night out in so long?

But then, there’s also a part of me that’s titillated. Excited.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I want to live life in the present, not the past. Except now the past is catching up to me.

The way he keeps staring at me just brings back memories, brings back feelings that I’d rather not feel.

I’ve tried to bury my feelings about Gray Burke, and now it seems like all of it is being unearthed.

I munch on fries while Sarah heads over to the bar to talk to Gray. I can’t help but watch as she leans against him, putting her hand on his shoulder, and he moves away from her.

He doesn’t recoil or anything so obvious, but he speaks to her in a low tone, unsmiling, and when she comes back over, her honeyed eyes are wide.

“I’ve never been rejected so nicely in all my life,” she says quietly, smirking at me. “And I was right, Sutton. It’s you he's after. He’s actually really kind. You should go and talk to him.”

I shake my head. “I told you already, I don’t want to talk to guys tonight. I just want to be with my girls. I don’t get many nights out, and I’m not going to spend this one chatting up some guy who probably only wants to get into my panties.”

“She makes a good point,” Rose says. “Guys who buy drinks normally just want to get you in bed, right?”

Sarah hums. “I don’t know. It seems like he really likes her.”

Marisa snorts. “How can he really like her? Sutton’s never seen him before.” She pauses. “Have you?”

A song that was popular while we were all in high school comes on.

Yes! Saved by the bell.

I grab Marisa’s arm. “Now it’s time to dance.”

Marisa has to be talked out of her seat and onto the dance floor, but she’s socially lubricated by a shot and three cosmopolitans and a few hot wings, so it’s not difficult.