“I saw. How did he make it out?”
“I, ah… helped him.”
Pausing dramatically, Xander eyes me. “You… helped him?”
“Yes.” I hold his stare, defiant.
“You.” The word is half-question, half-statement.
“You really want to discuss this right now?”
“Later. But we are discussing it.”
Xander leads us into an adjacent corridor leading towards the west wing. It’s low-lit from the odd emergency light still working. My eyes adjust, and I spot two outlines slumped against a wall.
“Xan?” Raine’s voice calls out.
“It’s us.”
“All I can smell is blood. Have you got her?”
“I’m here.” I wince in pain as we trudge towards them.
Langley takes one look at Lennox, his partially mangled hand still limp at his side, then curses.
“What the hell?”
“You can thank your pink-haired friend for that one.”
His blue gaze swings around to me. “What?”
“Alyssa, right?”
The silent bobbing of his throat is all the confirmation I need.
“You have some serious explaining to do,” I demand. “Starting with who you really are and what you’re doing inside Harrowdean.”
Mouth flopping open, Langley’s shocked to silence. Clearly, he never expected his cover to be blown so spectacularly. That only makes his betrayal all the more bitter.
“Yeah,” he mutters numbly. “I guess I do.”
“Shouldn’t you be running off into the sunset with your team?”
He draws in a deep breath to gather himself. “It’s complicated.”
“Then uncomplicate it.”
Interrupting our exchange, Lennox groans in pain. How he’s still conscious and hasn’t passed back out from exertion or blood loss remains a mystery.
“Medical wing,” Langley announces.
“Explain yourself first. How can we trust you?”
“There’s no time, Rip. I’ll explain everything, but not here. We can temporarily secure the medical wing, and Lennox needs looking at.”
“We were already headed there anyway,” Xander snarkily retorts. “Feel free to fuck off,Langley.”
“Need I remind you that I’m the one with the gun?”