Distracted by the sight of Xander shoving Lennox inside then rushing to help Raine up, I miss the attack heading my way. The long-limbed patient stinks of cigarette smoke, her face obscured by snarled hair and malevolence.
Air bursts from my lungs as I’m body-slammed, thrown sideways off Lewis’s unconscious form. Hands wrap around my throat, finding a tight cinch that cuts off my oxygen supply. I writhe and scratch, frantic to find an escape.
“You used us all,” she accuses.
My lungs are burning—filled with white-hot, molten lava that’s permeating deeper into my chest. I can feel her blood on my fingertips, her hands seeming to squeeze ever tighter.
“You deserve to be cuffed and paraded around like the rest of them.”
Warmth coats my skin from where her nails are slicing my throat. My vision is beginning to haze, awash with bright, white spots.
“Let her go. I’ll only ask once.”
My attacker freezes, her head raising towards the new voice. The floodlights illuminate her blurry face. Tania. Seems her gratitude for the pink dildo I previously sold her was short-lived.
“You,” she hisses at the voice.
“Step aside, inmate.”
“You’re outnumbered, asshole!”
Peeking over her, I spot the barrel of a black handgun. It’s pointed directly at Tania’s back. Looking higher, the person clutching the weapon causes shock and relief to blast through me.
“Do I look like I care?” Langley cocks the gun, ribbons of blood spilling down his face from a cut at his hairline. “Move. Now.”
I’ve never heard such raw aggression from him before. The person looming over us both isn’t the soft-eyed guard I know. Then again, I had no idea he was secretly working for Sabre Security until he tried to poach me as an informant.
Tania hesitates, her fingertips bruising my oesophagus. “You wouldn’t dare use that.”
His finger rests on the trigger, twitching in challenge. “Try me.”
“It’s your job to protect us!”
“Stand up, turn around and walk away.”
“There are witnesses!” she screeches.
With a short laugh, Langley casts one of his baby blues around the state of disarray. “Where, exactly? I could unload this entire clip into your skull without anyone saying a word. Nowget up.”
Her eyes now wide with genuine fear, Tania releases her grip on my throat. I splutter violently, sucking in frantic breaths, the rush of oxygen causing my insides to sear. Each inhale feels like drinking fire.
“That’s it,” Langley says in a flat tone. “Walk away now, and I’ll let you live.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Tania exclaims.
“I have a job to do. So I’d suggest you get out of my sight, and take your little friends with you.”
Langley boots Lewis in the ribs. He’s beginning to stir, a semi-conscious groan escaping his mouth. With tears now streaming down her cheeks, Tania gestures for the others to approach and heave him up.
Once they’ve scuttled away, casting worried looks over their shoulders at the gun Langley holds poised, my surroundings filter back in. I can hear racing footsteps, speeding towards us from the institute.
“You.” Xander’s cool, clipped voice is unmistakable.
Langley swings the gun around, now aiming it at him. “I don’t want any trouble.”
“Then step away from her.”