Page 150 of Burn Like An Angel

“Or your position as my niece won’t keep you safe from what’s to come, Ripley. I’ve been gracious thus far.”

In my periphery, I can see Lennox jogging over to us. He’s run out of patience. I’m glad—this was a huge mistake. Every second spent entertaining Jonathan’s psychosis is just wasted breath.

“I don’t care how long it takes for the investigation to tear your empire down,” I lash out. “I’ll give them every single detail to ensure you rot behind bars for the rest of your life.”

Instead of fear, Jonathan merely smiles. Cold and unaffected.

“Very well. You’ve made your choice.”

“I have.” I inch away from him. “We won’t speak again.”

His fake smile remains fixed in place. “If that is your wish.”

When Lennox skids to a halt, eyes scouring over me in search of any signs of harm, he’s red in the face. Jonathan rises to his feet, but his attention is now fixed on Lennox.

“You’ve tied yourself to a sinking ship, Mr Nash. I’d advise you to get far away from my niece before she takes you down with her.”

Lip curling, Lennox casts him a look that would terrify even the most steadfast of men. I know something has well and trulybroken in Jonathan’s brain when it only makes his sick smile widen farther.

“I count my blessings that your niece even gives me the time of day,” Lennox replies unequivocally. “Threaten her and you’ll have a hell of a fight on your hands.”

Jonathan snickers. “Why should I be afraid of a scumbag convict like you?”

Approaching him, Lennox’s shoulders pull back, his head held high. Not a single flinch or hint of embarrassment for his past.

“Because I’ve proven the lengths I’ll go to for my family. That includes Ripley now. Consider the kind of people you’re threatening before running your mouth.”

I relish the look of surprise on Jonathan’s face when Lennox snaps his curled-up fist out. The punch hits him square in the nose, a powerful blow that elicits a loud crack. Jonathan shrieks in pain.

Lennox shakes his fist out, knuckles now covered in fresh blood. My uncle is doubled over, cupping his bleeding nose.

“Usconvictsaren’t afraid to play dirty to win the game,” Lennox hisses. “Enjoy explaining that at your next board meeting.”

Still dripping in my uncle’s blood, he seizes my hand. I let him tow me away, wrapped up in his campfire-scented warmth. This time, I’m walking away from Uncle Jonathan. Leaving him afraid and alone.

And I’ll never look back.

I don’t need him anymore.




Summer rain pattersagainst the bedroom window, blocking out all light. The storm rolled in overnight, ending the brief hot spell that’s encapsulated England’s capital city. London sucks in the heat.

I’m grateful for the reprieve while tucked up in bed, limbs laden and immovable. Despite being stabilised on medication prescribed by the doctors who attended to us, it doesn’t stop the inevitable cycles from continuing.

Soaring highs and crushing lows. At least in this state, I’m not rambling about turning invisible. I’ve had stranger delusions during manic episodes, but even for me, that was a weird one. It could’ve ended far worse.

“Rip?” Raine pokes his head inside the room.

I peek out of my blanket pile. “Yeah?”

“You’re awake. Reckon you can try getting up for me?”

Burrowing deeper into the snarled-up covers, I ignore his pleading. “I’m fine, Raine.”