Page 148 of Burn Like An Angel

“That isn’t going to happen,” Ethan retorts.

“Now now. Your hostility isn’t required.”

“Jonathan,” I call out, approaching the tense scene. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah, Ripley.” He trains a picture-perfect smile on me. “I thought it’s time we had a chat. You’ve been laying low for some time now.”

“Keeping an eye on me?”

“Much like you’ve been monitoring me, I assume. Your new friends didn’t spot us coming today?”

Ethan’s eyes connect with mine, full of apologies. I shake my head at him. They can’t be expected to follow his every move, twenty-four hours a day. Not when his team is spread thin like it is today.

“Can we talk?” Jonathan’s request draws my eyes back to him.

“You had the chance to talk before you ended that phone call. Now I have nothing to say to you.”

He audibly sighs. “Always such a difficult child. Come on, Ripley. Spare me a few minutes.”

“Like you spared my friend’s life when your men killed her in cold blood?”

“That was not their instructions,” he explains like it’s obvious. “These mercenary types… They do get carried away, I’m afraid. The girl’s death was unfortunate.”

“Unfortunate?” I glare at him.

“We’ve all made some regretful decisions of late. I’m here to simplify matters.”

Lennox cinches his arm around me. “She isn’t going anywhere with you.”

“Ah, Mr Nash.” Jonathan turns his attention to him. “You know, my niece can do a lot better than a filthy criminal such as yourself. Do release her before I’m forced to take action.”

Laughing hard, Lennox doesn’t budge. “You’re funny. I see Ripley didn’t inherit anything from you. Thank fuck for that.”

His eyes hardening into cold diamonds, Jonathan takes a step forward. The lowered weapons all around him suddenly raise, again pointed at him. In turn, each of his men pull their own guns, aiming them at Ethan’s team.


We’re all going to die.

“See, this is the fuss I hoped to avoid.” Jonathan huffs with a head shake. “Ripley, walk with me. No one needs to get hurt.”

Releasing Lennox, I try to inch away from him only to be held back by his thick arm. He stares at me with fierce disapproval, his glower firmly fixed in place. Damn. I haven’t been on the receiving end of that for a while.

“Not a chance,” he growls through his teeth.

“Would you prefer for us all to get shot in some bullshit Wild West standoff? Come on, Nox.”

“He’s playing us!”

“And killing me in broad daylight would be just as bad for his public image as Sabre shooting him would be. We’re out in the open. I’ll be fine.”

Cursing colourfully, Lennox eventually surrenders me. I pat his arm before gesturing for my uncle to follow. He orders his men to remain behind and follows me into the churchyard, away from Daisy’s grave.

Once we’re far enough from prying ears, he slows his steps.

“You’re looking well, Ripley.”

“Cut the shit. What do you want?”