Page 73 of Cage

Dom nods and jumps up from his seat. “Of course.”

Before I can ask what that means, Cage stands with me in his arms and follows Dom out of the room.

I cling to him. “Where are we going?”

“To get you in a better state of mind for traveling, baby.”

Dom snorts.

Cage smirks.

I shiver.

“My tongue is numb.”

Cage smiles and buckles my safety belt. “That’s nice, baby.”

I glare at him. “You don’t even care that it’s numb.”

He uses his hand to cover his mouth, like he’s trying to keep from laughing. What’s so funny?

“I do care, baby. It’s just that you’ve told me fourteen times since we left The Ranch that your tongue is numb.”

Squinting, I look around the room. Why are the windows so small in here?

Jasper appears in front of me and holds out a juice box. “Both hands, Little one.”

“You smell nice.” I smile at him and take the drink he’s offering.

“Hewhat?” Cage barks. “Get away from her.”

Sheesh. Daddy sounds upset. He’s all growly. It’s so sexy when he does that.

“Daddy, you’re sexy.”

Several men around me chuckle while Cage pinches the bridge of his nose. “Drugging her was a bad idea.”

I shrug and take several sips of the juice. “Mm, grape.”

Jasper winks at me, so I do the same to him. He frowns and squats down. “You okay? Dom, should her eyes be doing that?”

Dom strides over to us, looking concerned. “What are her eyes doing?”

“Dude, I think she’s trying to wink,” Theo says.

I bob my head, and both Dom and Jasper exchange glances, then burst out laughing. I giggle and shrug before taking another drink. Boy, this is fun.

“We’re ready for takeoff,” someone announces over a loudspeaker.

Cage shoves his brothers out of the way and then sits in the seat beside me, taking my hand in his. “Ready, baby?”

“Ready, Freddie,” I reply.

He leans over, his warm breath on my ear. “If you ever call me Freddie or any other man’s name again, I’ll put you across my knee.”

I laugh, thinking he’s joking, then I look at him and the stern look on his face, and my smile drops. Shoot. Daddy’s really mad.

Just as I’m about to apologize, his entire face relaxes, and he grins. “Teasing you, baby girl. Why don’t you close your eyes for a bit and nap?”