My clit starts to tingle again. How is that possible? Cage just had me spread out on the kitchen counter, screaming his name with how hard he made me come. I shouldn’t be getting aroused already. Then again, it seems like all he has to do is be close for me to get turned on.
He leads me into his office. I’ve only been in here a couple of times. Most of the time, he works in the main house. The entire room is so Cage. Clean and orderly. A pristine, minimalist desk is the focal point of the room, with a wall of bookshelves behind it. I wouldn’t have taken Cage as a reader, but the one time I looked in here, I found a collection of famous novels that are way beyond the level I like to read.
We barely walk three steps into the room before we have to stop because there are piles and piles of shopping bags with all kinds of colorful things sticking out. It looks like there are clothes and toys.
“Daddy,” I murmur as I look over it all. “This isn’t justsomestuff. This is an entire shopping mall.”
He nudges me and points to the overly-stuffed leather chair situated near the bookcases. “Go sit. I’ll bring you bags to open.”
I turn to look at him, blinking several times. Is he for real? When he gives my bottom a firm swat, I get moving and let out a hiss as my thighs touch the cold leather. Note to self: put a blanket down next time.
One by one, he sets the bags by my feet. “Open the pink bags first.”
As I pull out the first dress, I gasp. “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Gliding my fingers over the soft yellow fabric, a flutter starts low in my belly. This isn’t a dress he would have found at a regular store. I’m not sure where he went, this must have come from a specialty shop of some kind. It’s sized for an adult, but it screams Little. Frills and ribbon with buttons on the back and a big bow. When I hold it up, I’m certain it won’t cover my bottom when I wear it. I guess it’s a good thing there’s a pair of matching bloomers in the bag next.
There are half a dozen more dresses just like that, along with a bunch of leggings and oversized pastel sweaters. After those, I start pulling out panties, similar to the ones I’m wearing. Some of them have cartoon characters on them, while others have hearts or stars or polka dots on them. When I pull out another pair that feel different, I hold them up. There’s padding in the crotch area, and my cheeks immediately catch fire.
“Those are training panties. There may be times I make you wear them. I also got disposable pull-ups and diapers. They’recute as hell. All sorts of designs. I bought six different kinds.” He holds up a large package in one hand. Through the clear plastic material, a bear design is showing. They are pretty cute.
“I’ve only ever worn cute panties in Little Space,” I tell him for no reason in particular.
He smirks. “I gathered because your cheeks turn red every single time I mention taking care of you so intimately. Don’t worry, baby, we’ll change that soon.”
Then, he distracts me by pulling a baby doll from a bag. She has black hair, green eyes, and freckles. Just like Betsy. It only takes one look at her for me to burst into blubbering tears.
Shit. Why the fuck is she crying? Did I get her the wrong doll? Fuck, did I hurt her bee sting when I was feasting on her perfect pussy? I should have been more careful. I couldn’t stop myself, though.
I pick her up and plop onto where she was just sitting. As soon as she’s on my lap, I grab hold of her ankle to inspect it.
“Did I hurt you? Shit, I’m a horrible Daddy.”
Ember sniffles. “What? No. I’m fine.”
When she pushes my hands away from her leg, I look at her face and wince. I hate seeing her cry. It kills me inside. Ember has already had enough fucking sadness in her life. I shouldn’t be causing more.
“You don’t like the doll. I got the one that Rowie told me to get. Is it the wrong sort? I’ll take it back and get a different one.”
Two fresh tears roll down her cheeks as I try to take the doll from her. She tightens her grip on it and shakes her head. “I love the doll. It’s the exact same one that I had when I was young. I’m not upset. I’m crying because I’m so happy.”
What. The. Fuck?
I’ll never understand the “crying when happy” thing. Rowie’s done it a few times, and it baffles all of us. Then again, my heart died a long time ago, so I struggle to understand most emotions.
Suddenly, it strikes me. Maybe my heart didn’t die. Maybe it just stopped working until Ember showed up in my life. Since she’s been here, I’ve never felt more alive. I’ve also experienced emotions I never thought someone like me could feel. True love.
“You’re happy?” I ask, still not fully convinced.
Ember huffs out a half-laugh. “Yes, Daddy. I’m happy. This is the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Talk about feeling like the king of the universe. While also feeling like I want to kill her father again.
“Baby, I want to make you happy. You’ve flipped my fucking world upside down. I don’t deserve you, but I don’t think I can ever let you go.”