That gets the response I’d hoped for. He scowls at me, his jaw clenched. “I don’t like when you call me Cage.”
“If I call you Daddy, that would mean we have a relationship, so since you think it’s such a bad idea, I’ll call you Cage.”
I’m poking the bear. It’s probably a bad idea. I’ve never been one brat on purpose, but he brings it out in me. The man is just so dang stubborn.
“You’re testing me, Little girl.”
“Maybe.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. It’s kind of fun being a brat.
“It’s a bad idea, firefly.”
“Maybe. But it would be temporary. Once I’m safe, you’ll be able to send me on my way and never see me again.”
“I’m not taking your virginity, firefly. Especially if this is a temporary thing.”
Jutting out my chin, I keep my gaze pinned to his. “If it’s not you, it will be some other temporary man, I’m sure.”
Cage’s scowl deepens, and he bares his teeth like a pissed-off animal. “Say that again and I will pull down your panties and spank your ass until you’re crying and begging me to stop.”
Could this man be any more confusing? He doesn’t want to take my virginity, but he gets jealous when I talk about someone else doing it.
“I’m a grown woman. I get to decide who and when. You might be the Daddy, but I still get to call the shots over my body.”
I’m being difficult. Yet, unlike when I’m around my father or his business associates, I don’t feel the need to behave. To be quiet and invisible.
“You’re right, firefly. Your body, your choice.”
Oh. Well, I wasn’t expecting that. I figured he’d go all caveman on me. The feminist in me is proud of him. The Little girl in me wants to kick him.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t kill every single man you come across before he can even try to put his dirty hands on you.” His fingers, which have been resting over my pulse point, tighten around my throat again, bringing my attention back to the present. “And you see, baby girl, if I fuck you, I’m not just going to fuck your pretty pussy. I’m going to fuck that smart little mouth and your naughty little ass, too.”
My ass?
A shiver works its way down my spine. Why does the thought of Cage doing those things arouse me? Why am I panting so hard? I haven’t seen his dick, but I’ve felt it several times; it’s not small. The man could split me in half, and he wants to put it in my most intimate hole?
“Jesus. That fucking turns you on, firefly,” he mutters. “You’re supposed to tell me to fuck off, not get even hornier.”
Using my nails, I scrape lines down his chest hard enough to draw the lightest trail of blood. “I want to experience having a Daddy. I’ve never had one, and I may never have one after this.”
His eyebrows draw together. “Why wouldn’t you ever have one? You’re young and beautiful. There are tons of Daddies out there.”
I swallow, lowering my eyes from his. “Because it’s just better to keep this side of me a secret from the world.”
Cage’s entire body goes rigid, and he starts to shake his head. “No. Fuck that, firefly. You are who you are. I’m not saying you need to shout it from rooftops, but you sure as fuck shouldn’t keep it a secret. What are you planning to do, live an unhappy vanilla life with some guy who doesn’t even make you come? Fuck, no.”
And just like that, the moment we were having vanishes. Tears burn my eyes. I try to push him off me, but he doesn’t budge.
“Don’t push me away. Never push me away, Ember. Understand me?” he growls. When I don’t answer him, he lowers his face, so our noses are touching and I’m forced to look at him. “Do. You. Understand. Me?”
Unable to stop it, I let out a soft sob. As soon as I do, Cage rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him. We stay silent for several minutes while he strokes my back. His cock is still hard, but we’re no longer grinding against each other, though my aching pussy wishes we still were.
“Tell me what happened to you, firefly. Why are you so scared to be who you are? To really show me your Little side.” His voice is soft yet unrelenting. He’s not going to let me get away with not telling him. Rowie has told me multiple times I should, but Cage can be a bit scary when he’s angry. And for some reason, I know if I tell him, it will set him off. Which, in a way, makes me want to tell him because I want someone else to be angry for me. My father never was. He couldn’t have cared less.
I let out a shaky breath and slowly tell him everything. The whole time, he continues to rub my back as he listens in silence. The only thing that gives away his anger is how rigid his body gets underneath me the more I speak.
When I finally finish, I close my eyes, and just like it did when I told Rowie, it feels as if another weight has been lifted off me.I’ve never talked about what I went through to anyone else, but it seems that getting it off my chest is somewhat therapeutic.
“They’re dead,” he mutters.