Page 51 of Cage

I glance at him and bite my lip, suddenly nervous. He’s taking this Daddy thing seriously.

“Number one, no lying or hiding things from Daddy. Number two, bedtime is ten o’clock sharp and daily naptime from one to two.” I screw up my face. “I don’t take naps.”

“You do now. Keep reading, firefly.”

Well, isn’t he bossy? Bossy McBosserton.

I inwardly smile at that. I like that nickname for him.

A sharp pinch on my bottom makes me jump. “I don’t know what thought you just had, but I’m almost positive it was naughty.”

Well. That’s just great. Now he can read my mind.

“Read, baby.”

“Number three, Daddy will choose Ember’s clothes and pajamas every day. He will also dress her.” Heat creeps over my cheeks. I kind of like that one. “Number four, Daddy will give Ember baths. She will no longer take showers or bathe alone.”

I’m going to need to change my panties by the time I’m done with this.

“Number five, Ember will not touch her pussy without Daddy’s permission.” I scoff. “What? Why?”

Cage raises his eyebrows. “Because it’s a rule. Daddy is in charge of your pleasure now.”

“But you said you won’t have sex with me.”

“I said I wouldn’t take your virginity, firefly. I never said we couldn’t do other things.”

“Oh,” I murmur. “Huh. Okay. Although I’m not so sure I like that rule.”

He chuckles. “Most Little girls don’t. Keep reading.”

“Number six, safety rules, no wearing socks without traction grips in the house. No running in the house. Ember must hold the railing when going up and down stairs. No playing outside without SPF 70 sunblock on. No going in the pool without a caregiver present and Ember must wear arm floaties. No playing on the playground without a caregiver present. No using knives. No cooking. No walking around with a lollipop in mouth.” I pause and look at him, trying to fight a grin. “Maybe you should just wrap me in bubble wrap and call it a day.”

He narrows his eyes and points to the list. “Read the next rule.”

I sigh. “Rule seven, no sassing Daddy, especially about the safety rules. Seriously?” I roll my eyes. “You’re over the top.”

“Oh, baby girl, you have no fucking idea just how over the top I am. Keep going.”

“Rule eight, when Daddy is home, he will feed Ember her meals. Rule nine, Ember will write in her journal every day.” I frown. “But I don’t have a journal.”

Cage reaches over to the nightstand and hands me a book withMy Little Journalprinted on the front. I run my fingers over the fluffy clouds and pastel sky on the cover. Just looking at it makes me happy. “When Rowie first came to us, she didn’t speak. She was too afraid. Theo got the idea to give her a journal so she could at least get her thoughts and feelings out in a way she felt safe. We only read the pages she allows.”

“Will you read mine?”

“Do you want me to?”

I think about it. It might be easier to share things with him that I otherwise might not say out loud. “I think I’m okay with it.”

He nods. “Good. If there’s ever a page you don’t want me to read, you can mark it and I will skip it. Just remember, no secrets, though.”

“‘Kay.” My voice is small, and with each rule I read, I find myself slipping deeper and deeper into that headspace. I’ve always heard the saying rules are made for breaking, but all I can think is that with each one I read, the safer and happier I feel. “Rule nine, no swearing. Rule ten, Daddy will help Ember in the bathroom. This means brushing her teeth, wiping her bottom, and doing her hair.”

Whipping my gaze from the paper to him, I shake my head. “You’re not helping me in the bathroom. No. That’snothappening.”

Ever so calmly, he reaches out and strokes my heated cheek. “Why not, firefly? What’s so bad about it?”

My mouth falls open. Does he really not understand? The man is basically a genius; he should know why I don’t want him in the bathroom with me. Did he not get the picture when I screamed at him in a rest-stop bathroom? The man sure is dense sometimes.