Page 65 of Possessing Paisley

He laughs harder but kneels down to help. When we’re done, I stare at the dog, my palms suddenly sweating. Why am I nervous? Even if she says no, she’s still marrying me whether she likes it or not. I’m giving her the courtesy of asking. Hell, I’m even going to say please. But ultimately, she’s going to be my wife.

“You look like you’re going to throw up. When did you become such a chicken?” Grady laughs.

“When did you become the most annoying friend ever? Why are you here? Go away if you’re not going to give me some solid advice.”

He leans down and picks up the puppy, scratching him under his chin. “You bought her a fucking dog. You didn’t kill her brother simply because she asked you not to. You slit a man’s throat because he attacked her, and you destroyed her ex-boyfriend’s entire life because he hurt her.”

I reach out and take the ball of fluff from Grady, my irritation dissolving as the little guy snuggles into my chest. “She doesn’t know what I did to Jeremy. And she doesn’t know about her brother. He might not ever reach out, and I’m not going to tell her I went to see him.”

“For one of the smartest men I know, you are a dumbass sometimes.” He shakes his head. “She’s in love with you. She’s been in love with you for a while. The day we moved her into Bash’s house, she was already falling for you, and you two still hated each other. She’s not going to say no. So quit being a fucking baby and go take her this dog that’s going to grow into a bear and ask her already.”

He’s right. I don’t like it when he’s right. I only like it when I am. Which is pretty much all the time except for right now. Paisley loves me. She wouldn’t have threatened to kill a womanover me if she didn’t. Guess I better grow a pair and go find my girl.



“Icame up with a name for the lipstick, but I’m not sure if you’re going to like it.”

Chloe, Scarlet, and Cali stare at me, eyes lit up as they wiggle with excitement. This is our last formal meeting before Fearless Beauty launches, and we’re finalizing the names of each product so the factory can start the labeling process. I’ve spent the last couple of days researching to make sure no other makeup brand has the same name for any of their shades.

“If you don’t hurry up and spit it out, I’m going to throttle you,” Chloe squeals. “I already know it’s going to be epic.”

“Okay. So, hear me out. Petty Is My Favorite Color. Because there’s no better time to be petty than when you’re wearing red lipstick.” I hold my breath, waiting for them to tell me I’m an idiot and that I suck at this. “The name is a stretch, but I wore it when I made Kieran fake-date me, I wore it when I put a staple in Chuck’s forehead, and I wore it when I gave out my first death threat. All petty but so fucking fabulous at the same time.”

Chloe jumps up from her spot on the couch and tackles me in a hug. “Best name for a lipstick, ever!”

I burst out giggling and hug her back. “Really? It’s okay if you don’t like it. It won’t hurt my feelings.”

Cali grins. “It’s epic. This brand is going to be so amazing.”

Scarlet claps her hands. “This calls for wine!”

While she pours four glasses, Chloe starts reading the list of shades.

“Okay, so for the eyeshadow palette, we have Irish for the dark green; Money Honey for the gold shimmer; Mafia Boss for the smoky brown; Daddy for the black; and Baby for the light shimmer. Blushes are Fish Bait for the pinkish one; Cheeto Dust for the peach color; and Girls’ Night for the mauve one. Eyeliner is Switchblade. Lipsticks are Petty Is My Favorite Color for the red; Blow Me for the light pink; and Spanked for the hot pink. And, lastly, the highlighters are Jealous One for the light one and Cut Throat for the darker one. All of that sound right?”

Holding up my wineglass, I look around teary-eyed at my best friends. “To us and fearless, petty women everywhere.”

We clink glasses and let out various squeals and screams of excitement before we start downing our wine.

“What kind of mischief are the four of you getting into?” Kieran asks.

My gaze shifts up to him as he looms in the doorway, but my attention quickly snaps to something small, black, and fuzzy in his arms.

I shoot up out of my seat and rush over to him. “What is that? Is that…Daddy, is that a Newfoundland?”

The corners of his lips lift slightly as he nods. “You never told me they get to be giants when they grow up.”

He’s trying to sound gruff, but the undertone is soft and affectionate. My giggles turn into coos as he hands me the puppy. “I don’t remember telling you I liked Newfoundland’s.”

“You said you’d always wanted one, and you’d call him Buster. Meet Buster. He’s ours.”

I nearly drop the dog. Did I just hear him right? A dog? I’ve never had a dog. My throat closes, and tears fill my eyes. Kieran got me the puppy I’ve always dreamed of having. And he’s even named him Buster. Not that long ago, he was talking crap about that name, but now for me, he’s giving in.

Sniffling, I tip my head back and give Kieran a watery smile. “You really got him for me? To keep?”

“Yeah, baby. To keep.”