When the water finally runs cold, and I still haven’t come, I give up. Normally, I come within minutes of thinking of Paisley, but for some fucked-up reason, having her in the next room, I can’t. Maybe it’s because I’d rather have her tight cunt squeezing me or those scarlet red lips leaving lipstick stains on my dick.
Relationships aren’t my thing. After being burned in the past, I’ve never gotten involved with anyone again. Casual sex is all I ever have, and I don’t ever stay the night with a woman. The last thing I need is someone catching feelings. I don’t just want to fuck Paisley, though. I want to explore her body and find out what makes her tick. Of course, she’d have to not hate me for that to happen.
After I slide on a pair of pajama pants, I let myself fall into bed. I need to stop thinking so damn much. Stop fantasizing about her. Wondering if she’s eaten. Hoping she’s drinking water. Paisley isn’t my girl, and she never will be. I’m simply chalking it up to temporary insanity that I invited her to stay at my place for the night. Yep, definitely insanity.
I’m not sure how much time passes with me staring at the ceiling, wondering if she’s asleep already. When I hear the faint creak of a cabinet opening downstairs, I have my answer, and I’m on my feet instantly.
Iwonder if Kieran is already asleep. After the night I’ve had and the wild emotions I’ve felt, I think I deserve something sweet.A snack sounds good. Specifically, something chocolate.
The plush carpeting makes sneaking out of the room and down the stairs easy. When I get to the kitchen, under-cabinet lighting illuminates the room with a dim glow.
I open the pantry first and scan the shelves. Health food, health food, health food. What the hell? I know the man is fit, but damn. He’s got to have some sweets somewhere. Everyone has a weakness for chocolate at some point.
Moving on to the cupboards above the countertop, I open one after the other, my heart getting sadder and sadder each time. No wonder he’s always cranky. He’s eating healthy stuff all the time. That would put me in a bad mood, too.
The next cupboard I open looks like it could be promising. If I can reach that high. I’m not sure what’s up there, but it looks like it could be a cookie package.
With a huff, I jump onto the counter in the most ungraceful way possible and rise onto my knees to reach the package.
Just as I wrap my fingers around the noisy wrapper, I’m yanked back against a hard wall.
I flail my arms and hit the wall, except it’s not a wall. Holy crap. It’s Kieran’s bare chest, and he’s holding me against him.
“Jesus, Christ, lass. Are you trying to crack your head open? I ought to redden your ass for climbing on the counter like that.”
He sets me on my feet but stays so close we’re still touching. I spin around, glaring up at him.
“You scared me! Fuck. I wasn’t going to fall.”
“Watch your mouth, Little girl,” he growls.
Heat flares within me, part anger and part something I shouldn’t be feeling for Kieran.
“I’m not a Little girl, and I can curse if I want to.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Not in my house.”
I open my mouth to snap back at him, but one of the intricate tattoos on his chest catches my eye. It’s a mix of scribe, crosses, and skulls. It’s both terrifying and moving at the same time, and suddenly, I’m speechless because I can’t seem to stop gawking at him.
My gaze travels lower. Past his pecs, down his washboard abs to that deep V at his hips, and even lower until it settles on the enormous outline inside his pajama pants.
“Ana what?” he asks.
Crap. I said that out loud.
“Nothing. I was trying to reach the cookies.”
Good. Redirect. Change of subject. Stop looking at his anaconda, though.
I force my eyes up to his face and try to glare at him again.